Parents! Ugghh!

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Hi guys, first of all, look at dat face! Second of all, this story was something called a ten word challenge. So I was given 10 words, and had to make a story out of them. I'd tell you what were, but I can't remember. So I hope you enjoy this story, and..... I started sentence like there was going to be two things. Oh well!


This is unbearable! All I can see for miles is yellow sand spanning the entire stretch of my vision. And of course the people in front of me, who were supposedly nature enthusiasts.

They are currently leading us through a small desert, which was, in my opinion, is extremely boring. I felt I had no more energy left. I sooo hate my parents for making me do this it's supposed to make me less fragile and more tough.

I personally think this is going to be fatal to my health. But considering I'm 18 and they can legally kick me out now, it's not wise to argue. Lets just hope I survive............

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