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For this story, I was given a story starter. Because let's be honest, I suck at starting story's. Also if you think there's one of these story's you think I should continue, please tell me and I will attempt to continue the story. Key word in there, attempt. Thank if you're reading this book. if you're not then you won't see soooooo...............


The air was still, the glow of the sun's rays warmed my back, and I could here the last of the summer's cicadas.

I'd been walking for nearly 2 hours an knew that I was close to my destination. I so tempted to start running, wanting to get there as soon as possible.

But I couldn't risk it. Despite being dressed all in green to disguise my figure, I would still be spotted easily, and even if they hadn't seen me then, the hunters would have picked up on my trail by all of the broken tree branches and deep foot prints.

I walk into a clearing. Suddenly I hear the sound of a helicopter. I dive back into the trees hoping hey haven't seen me. It flys overhead and passes by. I breathe a sigh of relief. They haven't.
Then the firing starts.

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