Chapter 3

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I was driving home unscathed from the words Quill and Lillian chucked at me, which were very humorous. They would stutter and looked about ready to kill me. Uh such a cute couple.

"How was your first day?" My Mum immediately asked. I smiled thinking about my friends and Sam. "It was good, you should meet my friend Lillian and Quill Cute couple" I laughed. " Do they now there a couple?" Mum giggled she knew how most of my buttons work " Nope" I say popping the p.

"Big Chrisy!" Lil Benny screeched. Ben jumped up into my arms and gave me a big hug I adored moments like this so did my Mum I never wanted him to grow up he'll forever be my Lil Benny. " How was your day Lil Benny?" I asked pink starts to tint his cheeks and he starts giggling " I met a very pwetty girl" I smiled but on the inside I was screaming No!

"Ooh La La who is she?" He shrugged wait he met the girl " Did you actually talk to this girl?" I questioned he shook his head in disappointment. Aw he was so cute this girl will be lucky if she got my brother " How was your day Big Chrisy?" I knew I couldn't tell him about Lillian and Quill cause he wouldn't get it " I met a boy" I stated but it caught Mums attention too. " Who is he ?" Ben asked.

" My lips are sealed shut." Mum looked disappointed but Benny he looked well he looked determined to find out. " Please, please" he begged getting on his knee's. I used my hand to make the sign  zipping my mouth shut and chucking away the key. He stomped his feet and whispered something in Mums ear that little sneak. " I demand as your Mother you tell me who this boy is."

" Hey no fair!" I screeched " Your aren't playing this right!"
" Hurry up who stole my daughters heart?" Mum asked while Ben nodded encouragingly " Sam." Mum looked confused while Ben well I don't now what Ben was doing " if he herts my Big Chrisy I hert him." I smile sweetly at him but something tells me Sam wouldn't hurt me. Sam just that name made me happy.

' Sam I can't wait till we meet again.'

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