Dean Winchester- Little Bit Tipsy

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Another fun request by bbgirl18   A hungover Dean who has had a little too much to drink. Enjoy!!
"Sa....sam...Sammy boy!" Dean stumbled, attempting to grab onto Sam. Sam wrapped Deans arm over his shoulder. The waitress behind the bar giggled at the older hunter. Sam sighed.

" you so much you know that right? Dad always treated us like in particular. I should've looked out for you." he booped Sam on the nose, causing the boy to laugh. Dean went to take another sip of his drink but proceeded to spill it all down himself. Sam took the bottle off of him and grabbed Deans jacket and dragged him out of the bar into the car. Sam leant Dean against the car. Dean stood up straight before he fell forward, his face smacking hard against the ground. Sam sighed. He picked Dean off of the ground and shoved him into the passengers seat of the impala. He drove quietly until he reached the first motel in sight. He left Dean alone in the car as he booked a room. When he returned Dean was starting to wake up again

"Come on buddy let's get you into bed huh?" Sam half dragged into the room and placed him down on the bed. Dean was way too drunk to move. Sam removed his shoes and jacket and threw the blanket on top of him. He sat on his own bed, watching Dean sleep peaceful. After drawing out the salt lines he clambered into his own bed and fell into a sleepless dream.

Next morning

Sam opened his eyes the moment his alarm went off. He slammed the clock hard causing it to fall on the floor. He sat up, looking over at Dean. He stood up and tiptoed over to him.

"Dean time to get up." Dean moaned loudly.

"Not feeling too good Sammy." Dean curled up into a ball. Sam patted his leg.

"You're just hungover Dean. Like per usual. Why don't I run to the shop and grab some paracetamol?" Dean groaned again. He rubbed circles on the sides of his forehead, trying to reduce the migraine. Sam pulled on a pair of shorts and a hoodie and quietly left the room, closing the door as quietly as he could. He jogged to the nearest store and grabbed the first medicine he saw on the shelf. He walked up to the counter and handed the boy the items to scan.

"That'll be $2.50 sir." The boy printed off a receipt and curled it into Sam's hand.

"Got something special on the back of that for you." He winked at Sam before walking off. Sam turned the receipt over to see the boys number written with a couple of kisses. He pocketed the receipt, not looking properly before running back to the motel. He opened the door to see Deans bed empty.

"Dean?" Sam whisper shouted. He heard loud retching noises coming from the bathroom. He grabbed the medicine and a bottle of water and headed along to the room. He pushed the door open to see his older brother, shaking against the wall of the bathtub, his face pale with a green tinge.

"Aw Dean I'm sorry. I should've of left you alone." Dean waved his hand, signalling that it wasn't Sam's fault. He coughed before crawling over to the toilet again, dry heaving but failing to bring anything up. Sam knelt down next to Dean, rubbing his back. He waited until Dean finally threw up into the ceramic bowl. He waited until Dean stopped.

"Here take this. Take small sips ok?" He cautiously handed Dean the water bottle. Dean sipped at it. The rosy colour in his cheeks was slowly returning. His eyes fluttered, almost closing.

"Let's get you back to bed huh?" Sam carried Dean into his bed and sat down at the table. Dean snuggled into his pillow, falling asleep.

A couple hours later

Sam jumped up as he heard Dean vomit. He looked up to see Dean covered in soiled sheets.

"Sorry Sammy....." Dean wiped his mouth with his sleeve. Sam walked over to him. He threw the sheets in the washing basket before handing Dean a bucket from the side of the room.

"Just puke in here ok?" Dean cuddled the bucket hard to his chest. Sam noticed he was swaying from side to side and held him upright. Dean gagged to Sam's surprise, causing him to jump. Dean suddenly lurched forward, throwing up the entire contents of his stomach.

"Sammy I'm sorry....." Dean whined weakly. Sam smiled as he rubbed deans back.

"It's ok Dean. more drinking for a while huh?

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