Lucifer-These wings are made to fly

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"Lucifer?" Your angel boyfriend turned and looked at you with a smile. "I've been wondering...since we've been going out for a while I've been wondering if I could....see your wings?"

You couldn't bear to look him in the eye. He stood up off of the bed and walked towards you. He wrapped his arms tightly and kissed you on the nose.

"(Y/n) my wings are aeons years old. Like me. They are a part of my body and very few mortals have seen them. When I'm in my proper form they stretch to thousands of feet. Bigger than any skyscraper.......bigger than the earth itself" He grinned at you.

"But for you....I would do anything.... You may wanna stand back. In this form the are quite big." You took a couple of steps back. He slipped his grey shirt off and shook his shoulder blades. In a gust of wings a pair of beautiful wings appeared before you. Your jaw dropped at the sight of them. They glowed brightly, so much that it actually hurt to look at them.

"Oh Luci they are gorgeous..." You went to stroke them. "Is it ok if I touch them?" He nodded.

"I can't remember the last time someone touched my wings. A long time ago.." You stroked them gently. They were like the finest silk, but were firm like concrete. Every little move he made the wings would react.

"They must be so heavy." He nodded.

"Want me to massage them?" He grinned.

"You have no idea how much I would love that." You started to massage in between his stomach blades. He moaned softly. You dug in with you elbow, trying to get the knots out.

"(Y/n)....." He whispered. After a while longer he stood up and stretched. He held his hand out to you.

"Come with me." He lead you outside. He leant in so you could feel his breath on your neck.

"Hold on tight." You jumped up so that your legs wrapped around his waist and your arms hung down his back. You felt yourself being lifted up. You saw that he was hovering a few feet away from the ground. You griped tighter which made him laugh.

"Wanna do for a ride?" You nodded. In a rush the two of you appeared on top of a church tower. You gazed over the steeple and looked at the beautiful sunset.

"This is the best time to fly. Just before the sun is setting." He sat you down on the roof and wrapped his wings around you like a blanket.

After sitting until the sun went down he noticed that you were almost asleep. He picked you up and flew you home. He laid you done on the bed before reaching for his shirt.  He slipped it on so that his wings vanished. You looked up and smiled.

"Thank you for taking me flying Luci." You yawned loudly. He slipped under the i here's next you you and kissed you on the cheek.

"Anytime (y/n)...anytime."

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