Gabriel-Sweet tooth

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"Gabe! give me back my clothes right now!" You chased after your archangel boyfriend who has your clothes firmly gripped in his hands. You ran around the table in your sports bra and boxers. You had been jogging up a storm and were in dire need of shower.

"No (y/n)! I prefer you like this." He grinned widely, wiggling his eyebrows. You couldn't help but laugh.

"Please Gabe?" you pouted your lips and made puppy dog eyes. He grinned at you.

"Oh.....alright." he tossed you your clothes before sitting down on the armchair. you kissed him on the cheek before running into your bathroom. You stripped down and clambered into the shower, letting the hot liquid run down your body. You started to wash your hair and you felt a gust of wind behind you. You turned around to see Gabriel standing there in his boxers, smiling widely at you.

"GABRIEL! GET OUT! IM NAKED" you tried to cover yourself up but he moved closer to you.

"But I wanted to see my baby girl." he threw his arms around your waist. You couldn't be mad at him

"Gabriel please. Ten minutes is all I ask for." he pouted. you sighed. "If you get out now I'll make your favourite dessert." his face lit up with delight as he kissed your nose.

"As m 'lady so desires." he clicked his fingers and disappeared, leaving the faint smell of candy behind him. You washed as quick as you could before you got changed into (fave band tshirt) and a pair of plain black shorts. You walked back into the kitchen to see that Gabriel had already laid out all of the ingredients to make his favourite treat, brownies!

"Come on sweet cheeks." he spun you around, tying a little apron around you. You grabbed hold of the ingredients and started to weigh them all and put them into the bowl. Gabriel was dancing around you like a hyper child. You laughed at him as he couldn't sit still. You took a bit of the mixture and placed it right on his nose, causing him to go all cross eyed and confused. You laughed even harder. He wiped the mixture off his nose and licked it off his finger.

"Mmmm can't wait." He grinned. When you finished the mixture you poured it into a tray and placed it in the oven. Gabriel sat in front of it like a toddler and watched it rise inside. You took out your phone and snapped a quick picture of him while he wasn't looking.

"I'm going to go and get cleaned up ok? Don't touch anything." He nodded, not taking his eyes of the brownies. You walked into your ensuite bathroom and washed off all the flour from your hands and grabbed the DVDs and blankets from your bed. You walked back in the kitchen to see a variety of treats on the table and Gabriel had a large bowl of sweets in his hand. The scent filled your nose as you smelled not just the brownies but things like candyfloss, jelly beans and even (your fave sweet). You placed your hands on your hips and raised your eyebrows at him. He giggled, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I couldn't help myself......." You shook your head as you took the hot brownies out of the oven. Gabriel jumped up and hovered behind you. You turned and faced him, still clutching the big knife.

"Now Gabe you have to make a choice....." He huffed at you.

"You can have all of those sweets on the table just now and have no brownies at all......or have a piece of brownie just now and you can have sweets later." He put his head to one side, making it clear he was questioning your offer. He leant in very close, you could smell the sweet sugary scent on his breath.

"I'd rather have the sweetest thing in this" His voice whispered into your ear. He lifted you up so that you sat on the counter. He cupped your face in his hands and kissed you passionately. You were surprised at first but you decided to go with the flow and you kissed back, feeling his soft lips pressed against yours. You sat back and smiled at him.

"I'm also gonna take these....." He spoke quickly as he grabbed the brownies from behind you and ran out of the room.

"GABE GET BACK HERE!" You jumped down from the counter and chased after him. You heard him laugh in the distant.

"Don't blame be honey! I have a sweet tooth."

Hey guys! Sorry if this chapter is a bit crappy but I haven't had time to write a proper chapter and I'm currently typing this at 1 AM so I do apologise.

If any of you have any requests please comment or even send me a DM as I always online.

Until I write again 🌟

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