01 ≫ flashback

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Run. That's all that went through my mind. Get out of there. Don't try to kill them. Just run. I ran through the trashed convenience store, hearing the sounds of them behind me. I turned a corner, only to see one right in front of me.

I quickly panicked and pulled out a pocket knife from my pocket, stabbing it right in the eye. I continued to run, out the doors of the convenience store, crossing a road and then back into the woods. I looked around until finally coming to the cabin I had found earlier.

I opened the door and sat down, trying to catch my breath. I had been walking all day now, and noticed it was getting dark. I avoided staying anywhere for more than two days, three at the most. The reasoning for this is I didn't want a group to find me, or to have them following me.

Them. Who is "them", you ask? They're the walkers. Walkers. They used to be people. They used to have souls, lives. But now they're nothing more than a bag of flesh, blood thirsty for us. Us. I don't know how many of us there are out there. And, I certainly don't intend on finding out.

The reasoning behind this is that I don't want to trust anybody. I don't want to be hurt again. You fall for something you love, and then it stabs you in the back.

It wasn't always like this, though. Me, trying to survive. Trying to fight for my life every single day.

"Eden! Honey, come downstairs. Breakfast is ready." I heard my mom call me down. I quickly brushed my hair and went down the stairs.

"Morning, mom." I said as I sat down, and my mom brought me pancakes.

It was just my mom and I. I was an only child, and my dad left my mom and I a long time ago.

My mom sat down with me, turning on the TV that we had in our kitchen. The TV was switched to the news, since that was what we always watched in the morning before I went to school.

I watched the TV in awe as I saw helicopter-view clips of a man attacking another man, but viciously. It was like he was possessed. I watched as he pounced onto the helpless, innocent man. And then quickly sinking his teeth into the mans arm.

"What the fuck was that?" My mom exclaimed, as I gasped in horror at the sight of the TV.

"Everybody please stay indoors, we've been told there is a massive virus going around the city." The news lady said.

My mom turned off the TV as we heard a sound coming from outdoors.

"What is that?" I asked.

"I don't know, but I'll go check it out." My mom said, getting up from the table.

"Are you crazy?" I said to her. "Mom, you just saw what happened on the news."

"Honey, I'll be fine. I'll take a knife if it will make you feel better." She said, grabbing a knife and holding it up, showing me.

I nodded in agreement. Even though I didn't agree, my mom was stubborn at times, and I knew there was no use arguing with her.

That was my first mistake.

I waited patiently as I ate my pancakes. I got up from the table in horror as outside of my porch, I heard a familiar scream. It was my mom.

I grabbed a knife and opened the door quietly, to see a fleshy, disgusting looking creature kneeling down to something on the porch. It was my mom.

I watched as the disgusting creature bit my moms arm, ripping through her flesh. It saw me and started walking towards me slowly. I ran inside my house and shut and locked the door behind me, tears streaming from my face.

And that's how it all started. Ever since then, I vowed to never trust anybody. I don't want to be hurt again, like I was that day. And ever since then, I went into survival mode. I've been trying to live the best I could, and trying to survive as much as I could.

And here I am; bruised; scarred; afraid; but I'm living. I'm breathing. I'm fighting for my life, and I'm going to keep doing that. I'm going to kill the walkers. All of them. For my mom, and mostly for myself.

I sigh and sit on the blood-stained and ripped couch in the cabin, and take my backpack from behind me. I sit it next to me and zip it open, to see if I need any resources for tomorrow.

I pull out a handgun, a rope, a knife, bullets scattered throughout the bottom of the bag, a battery, a few pieces of flint wool, a flashlight, and an empty cantina. Great. No water, no food.

I looked out the window to see it was pitch black. I was really tired so I decided to go to bed. When I woke up in the morning, I'd go hunting and get water.

This was usually my routine. Find somewhere else to sleep, get water, get food, kill, sleep, eat, repeat.

I set my bag down as a pillow and rested my head on it, curling up into a ball and trying to forget the coldness of the world.

First thing in the morning when I woke up, I'd go hunting, find some water, and find somewhere to sleep. Just the daily routine in the life of Eden Lancaster. Wow, so exciting.

Yay I'm starting a new fanfic !! I hope you guys all enjoyed this chapter. Nick should be introduced soon :) along with everyone else from the walking dead. LMAO

xo emma.

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