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just letting you all know. Eden is 18. In this story, Nick is 18 as well. I don't know if it seems to some people that nick is older or not, but they're both the same age. Oh, and I know Carl is a lot younger in TWD, but in this book, he's 18 as well. :)

For all of you that watches the walking dead, the community is very large, but in this book it is only large enough for the characters that I just introduced in the last chapter, with houses for each of them.

Also I think that Eden is going to be portrayed by Olivia Cooke. If you guys don't know who she is she was in "the quiet ones", "ouija" and shes also in bates motel. She's one of my favourite actresses and she's absolutely gorgeous, you gust should definitely check her out. So that's who will be playing Eden :)

I just wanted to tell you guys incase you were confused. I hope you're all enjoying !!

Xo emma

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