03 ≫ the community

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"Put down the gun." She said to me. I scoffed at her and disobeyed.

"Put down your weapon." I said to her, sternly. She disobeyed as well.

"Put down your weapon!" I repeated, the time a bit harsher and louder.

"Okay. I'm putting it down, okay? See, here." She said, and I noticed she nodded which at first I thought was at me, but it was to somebody behind me, who I was complete oblivious to.

That is, before he took the hand that had the gun pointed to the boys head, flipped me over onto my back, and released my grip from the boy.

And now, I'm laying here; the boy and the lady with the dreadlocks hovering next to me, and the Korean man; with a gun pointed to my head.

I showed no signs of fear as his weapon hovered over me, as if he were to pull the trigger, the bullet would land right between my eyes.

"Get up." The Korean one said. I didn't do anything but just lay there; frozen.

"Did you fucking hear me? Get up." He said, now tugging at my arm, which, because of my petite body figure, propped me up onto my feet.

"You're coming with us. Scream and I'll shoot you. Try to run away and I'll shoot you." The lady with the dreadlocks said, who now had a firm grip on both of my hands, which were behind my back. I said nothing as the Korean one and the one I had held a gun to were in front of us, and the lady was next to me, still a firm grip on my hands.

You know what? To just make this easier I'll give them nicknames. The one who I held a gun to earlier, we'll call him weakling. He was about the same size as me, a bit taller, but he was extremely weak.

And the one with the dreadlocks? We'll call her dreadlocks. So original, right? And the Korean one? Well, we can just call him the Korean one.

There was a silence between us until I finally broke it. "Where are you taking me?" I asked dreadlocks.

"You'll see." She replied. I rolled my eyes at her secrecy. Who was I going to tell? I've been alone in these woods for like a year now, I actually thought I was the last human being until I came across these guys.

We came to a large metal fence, which had two men standing atop of it, with guns. Dreadlocks put her hand up as a gesture to both the men, and the gates were opened.

We all walked through them and I gasped to see many houses, very modern. It's like they had took a piece of what used to be, and brought it here.

I saw many adults walking around, with several children. What was unusual to me is they working walking around like everything was normal. But, it wasn't. We were in an apocalypse and these people were acting like everything was okay?

Weakling and the Korean guy walked away as three other people approached us. There was a shorter man, with a crossbow behind his back. We'll call him crossbow. A taller guy, with a huge beard, who apparently was the "leader" of all of this. We'll call him beardy. And, next to them was a much taller guy, who had brown hair. But, he looked about my age. He seemed to be winking and smirking at me. We'll call him flirt.

"Who's the girl?" Crossbow asked, his hands crossed to his chest.

"We found her in the woods. She tried to kill Carl." Dreadlocks said. Oh, so his name was Carl. Sounds like a pussy name.

"The girl has a name." I mumbled to myself, rolling my eyes and looking the other way.

"I'll take her, Michonne." Beardy said. Okay, so her names Michonne.

Beardy tightly yanked my arm in his direction, pulling me with him where he was going. Crossbow and Flirt followed.

They brought my into a house, and we sat at a table inside. The houses were very modern and really pretty if I have to admit.

We sat at a long table, Flirt now sitting next to me, incase I was to run away in guessing, and Crossbow and Beardy sitting directly across from us.

"Who are you?" Beardy asked me.

"The more important question is, who are you? What do you people want from me? Why am I even here." I said, blatantly.

"I'm Rick, this is Daryl, and that's Nick." Beardy said, so I'm guessing his names Rick. "You are?"

"Eden." I said.

"Okay, Eden. Where's the rest of your group?" Rick asked me.

"Don't have one."

Daryl scoffed at me. "Tell us the truth. We're going to find it out one way or another."

I rolled my eyes. "I just did."

"What? A girl like you, surviving out alone? I don't believe it." Nick said, who was sitting right next to me. I tried pulling away from his grip, but it just tightened on my hands.

"Believe it. I've been out here on my own." I told them. I can understand why they didn't believe me. But it didn't matter to me. They could go out looking for my "group" for all I care. They'd probably just end up getting themselves killed anyhow.

"Tell us the truth." Daryl and Rick said, in almost perfect unison.

"I just did." I snapped back. "I'm telling you the truth. Go out and look if you don't believe me, you won't find anything."

"What's in the bag?" Rick asked me.

I didn't answer. Rick gestured for Nick to hand him the bag. He roughly yanked it off my back and slid it across the table to Rick.

"Fuck you!" I shouted at him. "That's my stuff, it's not for you guys. I don't even want to be here."

Rick ignored me and looked through the bag. "Nice weapons you got there."

"They're mine!" I shouted, yanking away from Nick's grip and leaning over the table to try and get my backpack from Rick.

Nick grabbed my waist and sat me back down on the chair. "Get your hands off of me!" I shouted to him, smacking his wrist.

They rolled their eyes. "Get her out of here, Nick." Rick said, snapping his fingers and then pointing towards the door.

"What about my stuff?!" I yelled.

"Here, take it, Nick." Rick said. "Keep it somewhere she won't be able to get it. Now get her out of here."

"Where is she going to stay?" Nick asked, grabbing the backpack for his hands.

"With you." Daryl said.

"What?!" Nick and I said, in almost perfect unison.

"Yep. You're living on your own here, and there's nowhere else for her to go." Daryl said.

"Plus, we need someone to make sure she won't run away." Rick added.

He looked at me. "If you do have a group out there, and we let you leave, I'm sure you'll let them know about our community we have going on. So you're staying right here. And, if your group comes looking for you, we'll be ready."

Fuck. My. Life.

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