05 ≫ escape

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I got into the warm covers of the flowered sheets in the room I was sleeping in. Notice how I didn't call it my room? Because it isn't. I don't belong here. I don't want to be here. And I was going to escape.

I heard a knock coming from outside the door. I didn't answer, but even then, Nick barged in.

I rolled my eyes and turned so my back was facing him, my face to the wall. "I'm going to get something, I'll be back in a minute." He told me. I didn't answer and after a few moments, he closed the door.

I heard his footsteps go down the stairs, and then finally, out the door. I didn't hesitate to quickly jump out of bed, and into Nick's room. I searched high and low to find my backpack, and the I finally looked low; under his bed. And I found it. Great hiding skills, Nick.

I quickly ran back into my bedroom, carrying the backpacks with me. Right as I got into bed, I heard the front door swing open. I hid the backpack under the covers, and I heard Nick's footsteps coming up the stairs.

"I'm back, goodnight." Nick said to me, opening the door and then closing it quickly after. Good thing he didn't expect a response, because I wasn't going to give one to him.

After what felt like forever, I finally knew that Nick was asleep. Why, you ask? Because he snores like a gorilla.

I hopped out of bed, put on the clothes that I arrived here with, grabbed my backpack, and headed downstairs. I quietly closed the door to my bedroom, tiptoeing down the stairs. I quickly opened the front door, and shut it as quietly as I possibly could.

I mentally congratulated myself for sneaking out of the house so quietly and quickly. I ran to the gates as fast as I could.

"Shit." I quietly said to myself, seeing that there were still two guards, watching the front gates carefully; guns
in their hands.

I ran to the side of the metal fence, so that I was out of there sight. The fence had to be at least 10 feet tall. And me; being the 5 foot 4 inches tall girl that I am, there was no way in hell I was getting over that.

I looked around, trying to look for somewhere to escape from, when I found it: a tree, right next to the fence.

I quickly ran over to it, sweeping the loose hairs from my face. I got to the tree and climbed up it as quickly as I possibly could.

I sat on the branch of the tree, which overlooked the ground below on the other side of the fence. My feet dangled as I looked down at the ground, feeling uneasy.

I wasn't really afraid of heights, I just wasn't exactly fond of them. I decided to get it over with. I closed my eyes, counted back from three, and then jumped.

"Fuck!" I murmured to myself, now sitting on the ground in pain, from jumping so high. But, I quickly got up moments after and started to run, because, if being in the apocalypse for a year has taught me anything, it's that if you stay in one place too long, you'll end up getting killed.

I ran through the forest as fast as I could, now limping because of the pain and the bruise on my legs.

I got a few feet into the forest before hearing a sound. A sound that thankfully, I haven't heard in a while. Until now. It was a walker. One of them. I could hear it coming closer to me, but because of it being so dark, I couldn't tell from where.

I screamed as the walker shoved into me, causing me to fall onto my back. The disgusting creature fell on top of me, trying to get a bite at my neck.

I held it away long enough until I couldn't anymore. The pain in my arms and legs was getting unbearable and the walker was extremely hard to keep off.

I tried reaching into my backpack to grab my knife, but my backpack was rested right below me, so I was laying on top of it and I couldn't manage to get anything.

I felt like giving up before the walker was forcefully pushed off of me, pinned against the ground and then stabbed in the eye.

Shaking, I got up to see who or what had done that. And to my surprise, it was Nick.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked him, clearly out of breath.

"Didn't need our help, huh? Yeah, right." He said, grabbing onto my arm and pulling me towards the gate.

"Let me go!" I screamed. "I'm getting out of here, I don't want to go back."

After a few minutes of struggling, I'm guessing Nick had had enough, so he picked me up by my waist and slung me over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes.

"Put me down you asshole!" I said to him.

"Nope. You're staying here. With us." He said, carrying me back towards the gate. "We all need to protect eachother and stay together, wether you like it or not. We need your help."

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