04 ≫ boy oh boy

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The walk to where Nick stayed was short and silent.

When we got to his house, it looked exactly like all the other. Modern, grey on the outside, with a nice porch and a porch swing.

Nick opened the door and said "welcome." As he put his arms out in front of him, as to show me the house.

"Where do I sleep?" I asked him.

"Upstairs, first door on your right." He said, pointing towards the wooden staircase.

Even though I asked him where I was going to sleep, I sure as hell wasn't going to be sleeping there. I'm getting out of here tonight, one way or another. And I'm leaving with my backpack, too.

"Do you need pyjamas? I have a couple shirts that are too big for me, if you want." He said.

I scoffed. "I'm fine with what I have on. I've been sleeping in it for a year now, I don't plan on changing. Unless it's actually clothes, not an oversized boys shirt." I snapped. "A shower would be nice, though."

"Second door on the right, right beside your room." He said. I headed up the stairs and into the bedroom. The room was painted a baby blue and had flowered bedsheets, it looked like an old grandmas room.

I took off my boots and went into the bathroom, grabbing a towel from under the sink. I undressed and turned on the water, locking the bathroom door.

I got in the shower and immediately chills went up my body. The warm water travelled down my body and it felt so good. I can't remember the last time that I took a shower, besides me occasionally going into a river.

I washed my hair, thank goodness because it was greasy as hell, and I washed my body.

I got out of the shower and picked up my clothes, putting the towel around my body. I walked out of the bathroom and into the room to see Nick in my room.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked him.

"Oh, I just, um— these were my sisters. You can wear them, If you want." Nick said, handing me a pair of clothes.

I plastered a fake and sarcastic smile on my face, before gesturing him to get out. He nodded and closed the door behind him.

I sat on the bed and examined the clothes; a pair of jeans, a pair of pyjama shorts, a black tank top, a red flannel, and a pyjama top. I set aside my old clothes, and put on the new ones.

I put on the pair of jeans, the black top, and tied the flannel around my waist, and then put on my boots. I brushed out my hair with a comb that was placed by Nick on the night stand beside my bed, and headed downstairs.

When I got down, there was a bunch of people in the living room. They were all talking to Nick, until their attention went from him to me, and suddenly everybody was staring.

"Oh, Eden. These are some people from the community." Nick said. I looked down until I saw Nick gesture for me to come towards them, and take a seat. I really wasn't a people person, especially when it came to large crowds.

I sat down on a chair, to where all of them were facing me.

"This is Carol," Nick started, pointing to a lady with very short, grey hair. "Morgan," I looked at a bald, coloured man. "Abraham," a muscly man with an orange goatee and orange hair. "Eugene," a pudgier man with slicked back, brown hair. "Maggie," a very pretty lady with short, brown hair. "Carl," the boy who I almost took down in the forest earlier today. Weakling. "Glenn," the Korean guy who took me down in the forest earlier. "Michonne," coloured lady with dreadlocks from earlier. "And you've met Daryl and Rick." He said. I glared at both of them.

"What do you guys want from me?" I asked. Almost everybody looked at the person to their side, who looked back.

"What do you mean?" Carol asked me.

"I mean, why am I here? Why did you take me?"

"We're saving you, Eden." Eugene said.

I scoffed at him. "Saving me? Earlier today I had a gun pointed to my head by you." I said, pointing to Glenn. Rick started to talk but I cut him off.

"Thanks for saving me," I said, sarcasm visible in my voice. "But I didn't ask for it. I was perfectly fine on my own."

I hated these people. I wanted to get out of here, badly. I don't need their help. I don't need anybodies help.

And right like that, I got up and stormed out. As I was heading up the stairs, Carl's voice stopped me in my tracks. "Eden! Wait." He said. I turned around, and he was already halfway towards me. "We want to help you. That's all." He said to me, his face right next to mine.

"I don't need it. And I didn't ask for it. Get the hell away from me." I said, quickly turning around and heading back upstairs.

I fucking hated them so much. I was fine on my own, they don't understand that. They think just because I'm eighteen I can't handle myself, but I can. I'm already done with this place.

When Nick falls asleep, I'm getting my stuff and leaving.

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