Chapter 12

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Tony's POV
"I wonder if they're ok." "Tony, they're gonna be fine, just relax." "I can't Steve, I don't want to loose her again. I know I'm normally the laid back guy in this situation, but right now, I'm willing to admit that I'm scared." "Bucky is really good at riding, and he's a skilled fighter." "I know, but right now, I am more concerned about what will happen to her if he goes into the Winter Soldier mode." "Tony? Did you even see her take down the other guy with that chi-thingy?" "You're right. You wanna play monopoly?" "Fine Tony, I'll play with you."

Normal POV
"Can we please take a break Hayley?" "We're almost there, are you starting to get hungry?" "Yes." "Well, if we ride another hour, were there. You think you can do that Brooklyn boy?" "That sounds like a challenge, so I'm gonna keep going." I put my hood on, you never know who's watching.

*Time skip brought to you by me not being able to write small talk, and let's just say they rode in silence because of what happened at the waterfall.

Two men in armor ride towards us. "Who seek passage to Castle?" One of the guard says. I take off my hood and the guards eyes widen. "Hayley, please. Follow us." They say. Bucky looks at me with a 'what the actual fuck' look and I just smirk.

Bucky's POV
I have absolutely no idea why she's smirking, these guys could be evil. And why do they look like they're going on a renaissance fair?

I feel my stomach growl as me enter a stone road. It's made out of marble, my head feels heavy because I'm exhausted, and hungry. I look up at Hayley, she looks at me with a 'are you ok?' look. I nod. She then point ahead of us.

What I see is a huge structure, it's not just called Castle, it an actual castle. There's at least 3 floors, and the towers are even higher. The ground around it is magnificent. With beautiful trees and flowers, a small lake. I smell something fantastic. We go through a huge gate, that reminds me of the Arc de triomphe de l'Étoile in Paris.

"Bucky? Are you ok? You haven't said a word?" I turn to Hayley, she's smiling. Apparently amused over my jaw dropping on the floor. "I'm just taking it all in, it's so beautiful." "Thanks, it's mine." "What?" "Well it's not technically mine, I didn't buy it, I didn't make it, but it was created for The chosen one." "And what is that delicious smell?" "Dinner."

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