Chapter 25

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"Try to picture yourself walking towards Mr.Barnes. Close your eyes and concentrate." I nod to Sensei and close my eyes. I picture myself walking towards him seeing it from above, like a bird. I feel a breeze and suddenly I'm falling. I land in the grass in front of Bucky.

"Well, you teleported. But try not to visualize it in third person view, you can get really injured." "Ok, let's go again." I say and walk back to my spot.

I close my eyes and focus on my own point of view. I feel a breeze and when open my eyes I'm staring into Bucky's beautiful blue eyes. "I own this teleportation thing." I say loud.

The next few hours I get different destinations to teleport myself to. Then, I start to teleport Bucky all over the place. After hours I feel so tired I'm ready to pass out.

"We should get you to bed doll." Bucky says and I fall into his arms in exhaustion. Last thing I can remember is laying in Bucky's arms as he carried me to my room.

"Hey! She's waking up!" I hear Tony yell. "Can you keep it down, I have a headache." "Hales, you've been sleeping for two days." "What?" "You were exhausted from all the teleporting." "Just-just give me five more minutes Tony." I mumble into my pillow.

Not soon after, someone takes my covers away and drags me out of bed. "Doll, you kinda need to wake up, you're worrying me." "I need a drink." "You're too similar to Tony, doll." Bucky says jokingly.

I get dressed and go to eat breakfast. Well, it's more like brunch. "I feel a lot better after eating." "Well, you haven't eaten in two days doll." "Where's Sensei?" "He said he needed to take care of something called Sallow, why?" "That means only one thing." I sigh.
The darkness is coming.

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