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Everything has a soul, well that is if you believe in a soul. I believe in a soul, but only because I've seen my soul. I watched it tumble past my teeth and out my lips. That was the day I went into hiding. You see, souls are tricky things, if you want to live forever, and most humans do, you can force it from your body. After it leaves your body you die but your mind And soul live on. Your soul moves between objects and creatures going from place to place, creature to creature, surviving. When you want to be yourself again and if you know how, you create a new body and a new life. In that sense you are immortal. Almost anyone would kill to be immortal, but it's not the right thing to do. Before you are taught to save your mind you must first become aware of your own mortality. You must acknowledge that all creatures must die, if you save yourself it must be for a purpose. Once you have served that purpose you must let yourself grow old and die. That is why few witches ever learn the difficult skill of soul hibernation. They can't see past the temptation of immortality. I learned that I would one day die at a very young age. So from a very young age my mother and grandmother taught me the highest levels of magick known to our coven. That's how I saved myself, as for why I saved myself. My coven had to live on, and I with it.

Days Go By.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora