Chapter 2: Mabon

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   " Sabilla your first vision while skrying is often incorrect" my father said after I told him my vision. My mother disregarded it as well even though my premonitions are often spot on. My Grandmother looks at me wearily.

   "it's best to keep a watchful eye. And you two shouldn't doubt her, she may be young but you can't deny that young Sabilla has a gift." Not to sound proud but I am the most powerful witch in the coven. "Dear child, Mabon approaches. Gather the candles and stoke up the fire for meat, the others shall be arriving soon." I nod and do as asked. Mother and father approach me slowly, they have something to say I can feel it.

   "Sabilla, there is something should know."

   "Yes mother" I chirp with a respectful bob of my head.

    "There is a boy in the village." All the members of the coven live scattered throughout out the woods. All fifty of us live a good seven miles from the village.


   "He wishes to join the coven and learn our ways " says mother, causing me to scoff.

   "Mother a boy from the village can't just join a coven because he feels like it, tell him to practice our ways in his own home and leave us be." I say with a dismissive wave of my hand.

   "He understands this, that's why he has asked for your hand in marriage. " she said the last sentence tentatively and my father placed a hand on my shoulder. The sticks that I had been building up the fire with fell from my arms and clattered to the dirt floor. My attention had gone from them to my parents, I was in disbelief.

   "Father you didn't let her say yes did you? " he sighed.

   "You know your mother is the boss around here, but after meeting the lad I agree that he's perfect for you. " I cross my arms and huff, not really having a choice e in the matter. I am fifteen this was bound to happen soon, just why did it have to be this soon? My mother sighs at me.

   "He'll be present at the sabbat ceremony tonight" I nodded gloomily and finished preparations. Setting up animal skins in the grass for the children to sit on and helping my father move the large black cauldron outside, then helping my grandmother boil bones and cut vegetables. My mother and younger sister were hard at work making bread as my father gathered wood. We only burned already fallen trees and sticks,we never took the life of a tree. Our house was a flutter of activity for hours before the first horses arrived. It was an elder member of the coven. Others followed close behind her. She and my grandmother hugged and exchanged pleasantries and we all helped the two dozen for so horses find soft grass to eat. Any one of those horses could have been carrying the man I will have to marry. Others came in on foot and soon a cart pulled my two mules entered the clearing. The driver was a man but the passengers were a large group of women and children. The group all started to set up the food they brought on the large table outside, the table was soon so full of food that only a few could sit at the table, most would be in the grass. They set up meat along with baskets of bread and fruit. The men began to build a large fire. My aunt approached me.

   "Go gather acorns with the children they are driving us mad!"she laughed resting a bundle of herbs on her pregnant belly. I took the five or six children ( they moved too fast to count) to the edge of the trees.

   "Come along children let is gather acorns for the Green God." The followed me and I acted as a Shepard to the kids running around my knees. While I gather acorns and herd children I hear the thunder of hooves through the forest. A black horse with long slender legs came galloping up. Its rider wore a cloak with a hood, which he pulled further up on his head as he pulled the reigns, the horse slowed to a prance. The creature stood with it's feet dancing around and its head swinging around impatiently and her rider tried to calm her.

   "Whoah" a young melodious voice said without lowering his hood. " I'm here for the ceremony, lass could you tell me where the man in charge is?"

   "She's over there" I say pointing towards my mother who was setting the table.

   "Uh. Thank you, sorry. " he said jumping down and tying his horse's reigns to the first tree to his left. I pay the boy no mind walk to the tree, untying his horse. I'm not letting her stand in the same spot all night long. Her saddle is just deer and goat hide, a poor farmers saddle. I took off the saddle and undid her bridle, slipping it off of her long nose. She wiggled her nose, glad to be rid of the straps on her face. I walk forward a few steps then stop and pat my knee, beckoning her. The animal follows me without me needing to lead her. She obeys me far better than her "master". The cloaked boy tried to protest. " hey" his complaints trailed off to a whisper when he realized that I wasn't listening. I brought her back to a grassy patch we fenced in with bricks of sod. I ran my fingers through her silky mane and spoke to her.

   "Who do you think they chose for me?" No verbal answer obviously but in my head I heard the made sigh tiredly. "How old do you think he will be? 19? 20? 27! 30?! Oh Goddess 37!!" A soft breath on my hand is the only response I got. " when parents arrange marriages the man is always older, just ask my cousin. He's bound to be older because father doesn't want me to worry about money." I looked into her dark eyes reading them for a response. Calm down, and can in have some water?. " oh of course. " I grab a bucket filled with rain from the top of the fence. The creature dips her head in and drinks. Thank you. " I must go" I said petting her before going to region the group. I helped the kids spread their acorns around the large altar in the grass, then mother calls an announcement.

   "Friends, family I wish to announce a boy who wishes to join our coven.". The crowd erupted in whispers. Everything had stopped, all eyes were on her. She pulled the cloaked boy from the front of the crowd, she took his wrist and lifted it into the air. " this is Peter from the village he wishes to join us in our ways and live in respect of the land and the gods." Oh no not him. Not the boy who ties his tired horse to a tree. In my head I protest, I don't know anything else about him but I'm sure he's no good for me. He'll be forty seven and gross. He pulls is hood down, now I have something to like about him. A handsome boy MY AGE with green eyes and dull red hair stares at me through the crowd. He spoke.

    " I wish to be a part of your beautiful culture, and to ask for the hand of Sabilla in marriage if she'll have me." He was looking right at me and I was frozen. My grandmother whispered in my ear.

   "Go up there and give your is an answer Sabilla." I nodded but stayed frozen.

Authors note.
So now you have seen more of Sabilla's family. They are very matriarchal as pagan societies are and Peter doesn't get this at first because the year is 1359. Women in the village have little power. This chapter is a little longer, I like to keep this stories chapters short so I can update more often. I can't leave anymore notes a cat has climbed into my head. Peace out.

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