Chapter 4: The rules of Magick

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Two weeks went by, all of our days were dedicated to lessons. We worked as hard as we could. Although, some days were just spent lazing by the lake and watching the sky. Today was not one of those days. "Peter for the last time keep your body centered!" I yell across the field as another log clatters at his feet. I huff and run towards him, Jumping and running around the logs that are everywhere around us. We've been at this half a day. I stand back, inspecting his stance. I huff for probably the hundredth time as I see how much the boy is slouching. With a gentle hand on the center of his back I set him straight. He shudders and turns bright red when I touch him, it makes me smile and place a kiss on his cheek. "Back to work". The boy Stares at the log and focuses on it so hard that the redness on his face is no longer from blushing. He holds his palms out flat, over top of the split log. Slowly, it rises a few measly inches. I can tell this small feat has him feeling winded so I decided to relieve him of his burden. I have been watching from about ten feet away. I had learned to give Peter plenty of room during practice, unfortunately I had learned to do so he hard way. My hand brushed my arm where I had a large bruise that was accidentally acquired during yesterday's training session. Without moving from my position, I lifted the log high above my head and then set it down gently to my right. Then set down another, then three at once, making a pyramid without a top.

"How is it so easy for you?" He moaned.

"I've been doing this chore since i was three." He turned towards another piece of wood that sits in the grass by his foot. He lifted it slowly, it hovered about a foot off of the ground. I watched as it drifted over to the pile I had made and shakily came to rest on the top. Out of breath, he walks away and sits on the grass to rest. I sigh yet again and go to join him.😈 I grumpily rest my head on his shoulder as he laces his fingers through mine. Our engagement may have been sprung on me but I have grown to love Peter in the last two weeks. We have a lot in common, although I find him to be more calm than I. The boy let put a small groan.

"I'll never get good at levitation." His voice was heavy with the disdain he held for his still improving abilities.

"Maybe it's just not your thing." He nodded just to show that he was listening. "Peter, have I yet to explain magick to you fully?"

"You've showed me how to do several skills and told me that lie at the feast so I would kiss you, but other than that, no not really." I could tell he was enjoying the embarrassment and shock that was written all over my  face. He smiled and for a single second I hated him. I shifted in place to look him in the eyes.

"...But how did you?" I trailed off, my eyes narrowing with suspicion.

"Grandmother told me" he beamed smugly, I blush. "You know Sabilla, if you had just asked..."

"Fine, may I?" I blurt, I mostly just want him to stop rubbing this in my face.  He laughs deeply

"Hmmmm, I suppose." He opens his mouth to speak again but is cut off by my lips pressing to his. A moment or so later, he pulls his head away from my own.


"You were explaining magick."

"Oh right, well as you know everyone's mind Is different and this means that everyone has different talents. There are some things that you just aren't going to get good at."  This isn't cheering him up. "So each witch has a special talent. The Irish call it, speisialta bronntanais, or special gift. It will be a skill that you find very easy to master and will become exceptional at."

"Oh really?!" He perks up. "When do I learn mine?" 

  "You already have." I chuckle, "you just haven't realized it yet" he looks at me, his eyes wide with curiosity. I give him a mischievous smile that has been known to make him laugh. "Do you wish for me to reveal your exceptional skill?" He nods with a smirk that makes me fidget with the hem of my skirts, an example of just how awkward I really am.

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