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I could feel the cold seep into my skin through my clothes. It was winter and close to night time. I had made the mistake of not taking that jacket when I was offered it. I shivered and the cold swept through me as if I was a ghost. I watched as all of the people walked past, most of them scowling at me, thinking I was trash. I some ways, I am trash. I am unwanted and live on the streets. I haven't eaten in days and my clothes are in rags. 

I stood up, because of what I am it was easy to keep my strength up. I think it was time to go hunting. I morphed into a fox and took off into the forest. I need something to sustain myself until next week.

I morphed back into a human after finishing my food and cleaned myself off in a small pond I found near my kill.  I jogged back to my normal spot in a small alleyway near a small but very popular boutique. 

I stood there and solemnly staring at those who walked past. I could see them shift uncomfortably. 


I saw something in the corner of my eye. It was a young girl. Maybe a bit older, I honestly couldn't tell with her small stature and the people busily moving around her. However, she seemed to be in the background. 

"Young Master? Is everything alright?" I heard Sebastian's voice and realized that I had stopped and was staring at the girl. "Sebastian." "Yes young master?" "That girl, I want her on my staff." "Are you sure that is a wise choice Young Master?" "That is an order!" I said louder.  "Of course Young Master." He then disappeared. In our short chat that apparently was not so short, everyone had fled the streets and the street lamps turned on. The girl was still staring at me not even paying attention to Sebastian who was right behind her. As he tried to grab her she moved so suddenly that it took a moment to occur to me that she was in front of me. She tilted her head. Sebastian waltzed over and stood in front of me, ready to fight her. However those eyes of her's, those beautiful {Eye Color} eyes mesmerized me. I couldn't force her to do anything for me.

"Move away from Young Master." He said and a smooth tone, his eyes flashing fuchsia. I let out a long sigh. "Sebastian, disregard her and take me home." "Of course my Lord. But what of the girl?" "Don't bother. If she wants to, she'll follow."

We started walking away when I heard footsteps in the opposite direction. I made a 'tch' noise and kept walking.


I watched them walk away. I could feel myself back up instead of following him.

Who is this boy? 

 I glanced at them, I wanted to follow them, yet somehow I felt unsafe. It was as if the butler could sense me. I shivered slightly.

I would have to find them in the morning, and all I knew what that this boy was a noble. A very rich noble by the looks of it. So that wasn't mush to go on. I'd have to follow his scent if I was to get anywhere.

I slept in my usual spot until the morning. I stretched, morphing into a fox and following the scent.I soon came to a mansion. This has to be where that boy and that butler reside. As soon as I stepped into the property I smelt dog. Not a regular one. No, it was a hell hound. I scoped the area trying to sense the dog when I was tackled by something much bigger than I was. I turned my head and saw the dog.

"So you're the hell hound. What are you doing here?" I said telepathically hoping that he could understand me.

After a minute a reply came through. "Yes I am a hell hound. I am here because I have behavioral problems."

I have him a sympathetic look. "What's your name?"  A voice rang out in the distance but neither of us noticed. "Pluto. What about yours?"

He spoke getting off of me and morphing in a humanoid like creature. He had no clothes on, shoulder-length silver hair that slightly resembled his white fur coat from when he was in his dog form. He had a canine that protruded from his lip and red eyes that held slits inside.

I was about to speak when a voice interrupted both of us.

"Plu-Plu! Where are you?" A childish voice rang out. Pluto and I stared at each other with a look of dread. We both knew that someone was coming and we'd have to cut our talk short.

"Plu-Plu! There you are!" A boy appeared from behind a rose shrub. He had short, messy, strawberry-blonde hair that was held back by 5 red bobby pins. Large turquoise eyes, and pale skin. He stepped further out and I saw his outfit. It was simple. He wore a plain white three-quarter sleeve shirt with red piping around the collar, and he wore plaid pants along with knee-high black boots. His neck was adorned with a straw hat

"Huh? And who might you be?" He looked at me and I gave him a small sheepish smile. "{You Name} I said answering his and Pluto's question. "Oh, I'm Finnian but everyone calls me Finny!" He held out his hand and I skeptically shook it. By his grip, I could tell he was very strong and was trying not to hurt me.

"Wait! If Sebastian sees you, you could get hurt! You must go!" I shook my head slightly, confusing the young boy, I then started to head towards the front door. 

Am I going to regret this? Maybe. Am I going to do this? Yes.

I raised my hand and slowly let my fist land on it in a soft knock. Now I had to wait.

Word Count: 1008

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