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With that he got off of me and the friendly gardener walked up to me.

"You're alive!" "I made a deal with Sebastian, he won't kill me if he spots me in the yard." "That's great!" He cheered and hugged me.

Does everyone just like touching me or something?


I grimaced, but it quickly turned into a smile when Finny let go of me. 

I ended up yawning. I had been asleep not to  long ago, so why was I tired?

The door opened behind me and I turned. Sebastian stood there again. "Miss, my master would like to speak to you one more time." I grumbled and followed Sebastian, a scowl on my face. "Why does the brat want me now?" "I would be careful what you call Young Master Miss." I huffed and glanced around. Last time I didn't look around so I guess it couldn't hurt now huh? 

I examined every hall way and every door creating a mental road map in case I get lost here, though I don't think I'm going to stay very long. 

As we stood in front of a mediocre looking door I closed my eyes. I didn't want to be here. 

"Young Master, may we come in?" A soft yes came in reply and Sebastian swung open the door. I walked in, "What do you want?" The boy made a 'tch' sound and his eye narrowed on me. "You lied to me. You aren't human." "So? I lied to you because I knew you would keep secrets from me. Is that so wrong?" "You're going to work for me." "What?" I hissed. 

"I'm a free spirit, I roam where I want to and do what I want to. And being chained down by you is the last thing I want to be doing."

"I do not care for your opinion. Now, what is your name?" I grit my teeth. Like hell I would answer him. "I'll ask again. What is your name?"

I sighed. I didn't want to work for this brat. But hey, I'll get shelter and clothing. "{Your Name}." I finally answered and he nodded. "You will work as a maid here and tend to the house like Mey-Rin and Sebastian. You will work everywhere though. In the gardens, the kitchen, and the manor. Sebastian show her to her quarters. Now out of my sight." My eyes twitched. Oh how so badly I wanted to punch this kid. "Follow me please Miss {Your Name}." Sebastian said politely.

I followed him and huffed. He lead me to a blank room. There was a single twin-sized bed that lay on the far wall from the door. A dresser/vanity that was to the right of the door. Then there was a wardrobe that sat to the left of the door. It didn't seem like much to most but to me it was a five star bedroom. I walked in and twirled slightly, my ragged clothing flowing slightly around me. "There are maid uniforms in the wardrobe." I looked at Sebastian and bowed. "Thank you Sebastian." My voice echoed softly throughout out the empty room. He nodded and turned. He stopped and turned back around. "I almost forgot, the bathroom is across the hall. I have already drawn a bath and set a uniform and towel in there." I thanked him again and he left me. 

I let out a relieved sigh. Sure I didn't like this place or that brat, but this was going to be my new home so I might as well make the best of it.

I left the room and crossed the hall. I opened the door to a fair sized bathroom. The bath was in the far left corner and it was filled with bubbles and water. Laying not to far away on a upside down bucket was a set of clothes and a pair of towels. I stripped out of my rags and settled into the warm water. I let out a soft laugh when the door opened. Sebastian came in and I slipped further into the tub. 

"What do you want demon?" I questioned. "I'm just here to get your old clothes." I raised an eyebrow. "Why?" "So I can burn them. To you it could mean a symbol for starting a new life here at the manor." I couldn't help but smile and nod. It was an amazing concept. He left and I sat up and grabbed a bar of soap. I began to scrub my body down to remove the dirt and grime. It soon revealed clear slightly tanned skin. I washed my hair, my [Hair Color] locks showing their natural color.

By the time I was done with my bath the water was a brownish grayish color.

I walked over to the towels and put my hair up with one while I used the other one to dry off my body. I stepped into the uniform and undergarments that were concealed in the uniform itself. I took my hair down and let it cascade down my shoulders. I combed through it and placed the head band on. I tugged on my shoes and folded back up the towels. 

I stepped out of the bathroom and sighed happily. The cool air hit parts of my skin and it made me shiver. I glanced to the left to see Sebastian walking down the corridor towards me.

"Ah, I see you've finished. Please come with me to the dining room where your meal awaits." He started to lead me down the hallway. "Meal?" I softly questioned and he hummed. "Yes, Young Master thought that it would be a good idea to have you eat before you meet everyone and start working." I nodded, he seems like a slave driver, but he's not bad when it comes to hospitality, I thought to myself.

The dining room was amazing. The chandelier hung from the ceiling as if suspended in air. The crystals glinted and splashed colors among the deep velvet walls. The table was a dark wood, one that I could not tell even from my time in the forest as I studied the life there. The silver was polished to shine as did the tableware. I guess would be courtesy of Sebastian himself. I let my fingers trace the clean white linen that decorated the table. I gazed at the sterling silver roses which were placed in a fairly large vase on either side of the table. I went down and sat near the large windows that overlooked the beautiful gardens that were home to such a beautiful variety of flowers.

"Who tends to the gardens?" I asked absent-mindlessly as I got comfortable in the plush chair. "That would be the gardener Finny as well as I from time to time. Why would you ask such a question?" He replied and I turned my gaze to his blood red eyes. "Just wondering who could make a garden so pretty as well as vibrant." I turned back to the garden and my eyes spotted my favorite flower. A carnation. Such a beautiful and fragrant flower, I had studied it years ago and had become fascinated with it. There was nothing very special about carnations, I just fancied them was all.

"If I get to work with those flowers, I think I might like this place." I muttered softly to where Sebastian could still hear. He smiled.

"I'll see what I can do." I smiled back.

Things are seemingly starting to look up.

Word Count: 1245

A word from the Author: Yes, I know you probably don't specifically tan skin or long hair, but for this story, they will come in handy. I hope you understand as to why I wrote it that way. I expect to see you in the next Chapter. This will probably be one of the only Author's notes that will appear in this story, Thank you and I'll see you later.

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