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Wait! If Sebastian sees you, you could get hurt! You must go!" I shook my head slightly, confusing the young boy, I then started to head towards the front door.

Am I going to regret this? Maybe. Am I going to do this? Yes.

I raised my hand and slowly let my fist land on it in a soft knock. Now I had to wait. 


Before the second time my fist hit the door softly, it opened making me fall forward onto the raven-haired butler. He stood me upright.

"Young Master is expecting you." He said, pulling me inside. He then lead me to a room which I guessed the young boy was staying in. The butler opened the door and nudged me in.

"You've finally come." I glanced up at the boy who has stood up from his chair. "The only reason I can guess is that you want my help. Am I correct?" To be honest that was not what I wanted. "No, you are not correct. I want to know why I am interesting to you." I stated flatly. The silence was nothing more than awkward to say the least.

A loud bang was heard and the boy sighed and gave a nod to the butler who left to go find out what had happened.

"Do sit." He said formally and motioned to the chairs that were placed in front of his desk. I hesitantly sat down.

I scowled slightly. It was too soft. I have always sat on the cold ground and this was warm and fluffy and I hated it.

"You just seemed so interesting. You're not normal. I can tell by your eyes. They hold much more than human emotions." I had a stoic face. He saw right through me. Which means that butler can too. Damn it! I wanted to keep myself a secret.

I decided to have a little fun with him and innocently tilted my head. "Why do you have an eye-patch on? Are you a pirate?" He now seemed irritated with me and he stood up abruptly almost knocking over the table.

"Don't play coy with me!" He started shouting. "You aren't human are you?" 

I couldn't breathe, he figured that out quick. But I knew something as well.

"If I tell you, will you answer my question?" He slowly nodded a skeptical look crossed his face as he glanced at the raven-haired butler who had re-entered the room from the previous disaster. 

"You're wrong, I'm human." I saw a frown start to form on his face. "My question now. Why would someone like you make a deal with a demon?" 

That's right. I had figured out that the butler was a demon. He knew everything. That's because he could sense a lot. That's how the boy found out that I wasn't human. No human could do that by themselves. It was almost impossible!

By now it was really easy to see how wide his visible eye had gotten. He was most likely impressed because as soon as this happened he huffed and frowned. "The only way you would've been able to tell was if you weren't human, otherwise you shouldn't be able to tell that he was a demon. Now as for the reason I made a deal with him? That is something that I cannot afford to release to you." 

It was my turn to huff. I glared at the kid who just smirked at me.

"You said you would answer my question if I answered yours."

"I did answer yours. I said you can't know." "That's not the same kid." I snarled and I saw him set his jaw forward. "Sebastian." He looked angry as his eyes was narrowed at me. He wanted me gone, and I could tell.

"Of course Young Master." The demon's voice rang from behind me. I could feel him getting closer. Not to mention his heels hitting the ground were pretty loud.

In a flash I was but I cat. A black one.

In the very short time I was in the presence of these two, I found out the kid's allergies to cats, and the butler's admiration for them.

In a split second I was being fondled by Sebastian as he was complimenting my soft fur while the kid was sneezing obnoxiously.

"Get her out of here!" He yelped waving the two of us away. It was hilarious to see the kid so vulnerable to something as trivial as a cat.

Sebastian carried me out of the mansion still petting me and marveling over my fur coat.

"You're a cat?" Pluto's voice rang in my head and I swiveled my head around trying to find the humanoid dog. I found him at Sebastian's feet staring up at me. I glanced up at Sebastian's face to see him glare at Pluto.

"Why is he glaring at you?" "I once threw a cat and made him pay attention to me instead. I think he thinks that I'm going to do it again." I mewed and he gave a soft bark. I jumped out of Sebastian's arms and landed in front of Pluto. I transformed into my humanoid form and pet Pluto's head. I turned to the butler. 

"Let's make a deal. Not one for my soul though. You don't kill me and I become a cat whenever you want me too so you can pet me all you want. And sometimes if you're irritated with your master I can hang around him as a cat for you."

It took a moment for him to respond, but when he did he gave me a smile and nodded. "Deal." He then left back into the mansion.

 I glanced at Pluto and gave him a smile. "Looks like we'll have some time to play!" He responded with a happy bark and him pouncing on me.

I gave a happy laugh that made Pluto lick my face."You're pretty." Pluto said and smiled happily at Pluto. "Thank you."

With that he got off of me and the friendly gardener walked up to me.

"You're alive!" "I made a deal with Sebastian, he won't kill me if he spots me in the yard." "That's great!" He cheered and hugged me.

Does everyone just like touching me or something?!

Word Count: 1046

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