Den of Beasts 5

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"Gods! What in all the hells..." the man whispered as his eyes went wide with shock.

Blacknail flashed the man a toothy smile, and then stabbed him in the face with his knife.

Fang screamed as the blade sliced down his cheek. He clutched his face and tried to pull back away from the bed. Blacknail didn't let him; he grabbed the man's hair and pulled him down.

Blacknail had forgotten Fang was a Slosher though, and very strong. The entire bed flipped as the man pulled the hobgoblin out from under it and into the air. The violent motion wrenched Blacknail's arm, and he hissed in pain as his shoulder made an unpleasant grinding noise. This wasn't going the way he'd planned.

The hobgoblin swung through the air, as Fang roared in pain. Blacknail tried to right himself using his feet, but just ended up kicking Fang in the face several times. The large man snarled viciously and tried to reach over and grab Blacknail's neck with one hand. The hobgoblin let him, and then he stabbed the man again. Stabbing things seemed to solve most of his problems.

His knife gouged into Fang's shoulder and nicked his neck. The bandit chief roared in pain again and threw Blacknail across the room. Blood from Fang's wounds flew through the air, as the hobgoblin smashed into a wall and then slid to the floor. Ow, why did humans have to be so big and strong?

"Gods! What the fuck are you, a demon? Have the hells opened up for me?" Fang cursed as he staggered and tried to stand straight.

Blood poured from the cut on his neck. He was clutching it tightly with his hands, but that barely slowed the crimson flow. That was bad for him, but good for Blacknail.

Blacknail didn't feel much better though. Every bone in his body hurt and the impact with the wall had knocked the air from him, explosively. The first rule of a challenge was not to show weakness though.

The hobgoblin pulled himself up off the ground. He was unsteady on his feet and wobbled a little, but he managed to start walking over to his target.

"Fuck you!" the man cursed in reply.

Fang was injured and in his underwear, but he was still a Slosher. He looked around the room for something to use as a weapon. There was a vase on top of a nearby stand, so the man grabbed it and then threw it at his attacker.

Blacknail slid out of the way of the porcelain projectile and continued to close the distance. Fang then picked up the wooden stand itself and hurled that. This time one of its legs nicked Blacknail's shoulder. He stumbled slightly and winced. There was no real damage though, beyond another bruise.

Fang took this time though to reach down with his one free hand and grab his pants from off the floor. Blacknail grinned with savage amusement. What was he planning to do with those?

His smile slipped though when the man managed to fumble through the trousers and pull out a small dagger. Blacknail would have been more concerned, but Fang's eyes were starting to look unfocused and he'd grown very pale.

Still, it was better not to take any risks. Blacknail tucked his own knife away and drew his sword instead.

Fang grimaced in anger and frustration as the hobgoblin approached. Blacknail raised his sword and then slashed down at the man. Fang raised an arm defensively and tried to block with his dagger, but Blacknail was too fast for him.

The sword cut into the man's arm, and then Blackanil kicked him in the knee. There was a crunching noise as Fang collapsed onto his side. He shrieked in pain, and blood sprayed from his arm. The hobgoblin didn't give him time to recover. He mercilessly began hacking and slashing at the fallen man until Fang's struggling stopped, and he went limp.

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