Queen of Swords 2

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Now that all of her minions were solidly behind her, Herad started organizing them. Her short black hair fell over her forehead, as she leaned forward over the table in front of her sofa and gave out her orders.

"Corveyn, you're in charge of defenses. I want work parties organized and this place fortified as much as possible. If you need funds then you'll have them," she said.

"Not a problem. I already have a few surprises in mind for our guests when they arrive," a man who Blacknail assumed was Corveyn replied.

He was one of the men who had joined the tribe after they'd arrived in Daggerpoint. All these new hires were beneath Blacknail's notice, unless they had something he wanted, so he hadn't bothered to learn their names. He was Herad's favorite after all, and they were just rookies.

"Saeter, I want you to get in touch with some of your old contacts. See if you can recruit a few more good men, or at least convince as many as possible not to join up with Zelena when she starts spreading that coin of hers around. They can't spend it if they're dead," the chieftain told Blacknail's master.

Saeter nodded calmly in acknowledgment, and Blacknail stepped out from where he'd been hiding behind him. The hobgoblin then smiled hopefully at his mistress. He wanted a job too!

Herad happened to glance back his way, and she noticed his demeanor. The bandit chieftain rolled her eyes disdainfully, but then gave him a wicked grin. The hobgoblin returned her smile hopefully.

"Don't worry, Blacknail. I'm sure an opportunity will present itself and I'll find someone for you to hunt. It might even be someone in this room if they disappoint me enough," she chuckled darkly and loudly enough that everyone in the room undoubtedly heard her.

Muted muttering broke out between the bandits as several people looked Blacknail's way, and the hobgoblin heard his master grunt in disapproval. He wasn't sure why Saeter wasn't pleased, though. Blacknail was glad that Herad trusted him to hunt her enemies for her, and he enjoyed the fearful looks he was getting.

The new members were barely part of the tribe anyway. None of them had been around nearly as long as him! He'd joined the tribe a whole um... lots of months ago! That was practically forever.

In a tribe it was natural for the weak to fear the strong, and for them to be kept in their place. Everyone was certainly very afraid of Herad!

The fact that the chieftain had mentioned Blacknail personally obviously meant she considered him to be only one step below herself in position and toughness. Maybe his master was jealous?

"Alright, that's enough gabbing from you lot; it's time to get to work. Get on out of here," Herad announced loudly.

Her voice cut through the commotion around her, and everyone else instantly grew silent and jumped to obey her. Soon, all of the bandits were walking through the doors and exiting the room. .

Saeter let most of the other bandits leave, and get out of the way, before heading out himself. Blacknail followed him closely, and as soon as they were alone in the hallway Saeter turned to him.

"Listen Blacknail, you shouldn't be happy about being picked out like that by Herad," the old scout told the hobgoblin seriously.

Blacknail frowned at his master's comment. He didn't understand why Saeter was upset.

"It means she trusts me, and that I'm dangerous!" the hobgoblin bragged cheerfully.

"Maybe, but it will also make your own comrades afraid of you," the grey haired scout replied.

"They should be afraid of me; I'm much faster and smarter-ss than them. None of them could challenge me," Blacknail pointed out arrogantly.

"That's not the point, Blacknail. Herad's words were meant to set you against the rest of the tribe. If they're too afraid of you then they will see you as a threat, and then they won't have your back later, or they might even try to take you out," Saeter explained.

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