You're Looking Like a Stranger Part 7

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I decided to try and change the point of view from a third person narrative to a first person narrative. Tell me what you like best!

It has been nearly a month since my apartment blew up in flames. A month since I moved back in with Jared.

Cassidy tried multiple times to talk me into moving with her. I postponed the talk ever and ever again.

So here I am, sitting behind my desk, absentmindedly typing away the interview Cass and I conducted a few days back.

Our junkie Jane Doe murderer is to be judged soon. It turns out the number one suspect is a junkie who had been fantasizing about Charlotte Dill for a while. On the night of her disappearance, he hit on her once more and couldn't stand her turning him down. He claims he had a fix not long before, blacked out and doesn't recall the events of the night. Whether he is guilty or not is not my place to determine.

Cassidy and I have done our job. Justice is to do its own.

Julie, the new receptionist soon interrupts my thoughts "knock knock. May I c-come in?"

I look up over my computer screen and notice I am alone in the office. I didn't see Cassidy leave.

"Sure Julie, what's up?"

"I didn't mean to bother you, it's just t-th-that," she pauses mid-sentence and exhales deeply, "I am sorry. I am nervous."

"It's okay sweetheart," I walk up to her and hold her hands.

I cannot explain why, I just like that pretty red-haired girl. When she first came to work here, after Cleo got fired for selling information, she felt intimidated by most of the people in the building and it only accentuated her stuttering.

"Mister Leto is here."

"Oh!" that wasn't much of a surprise, Shannon often stopped by to have coffee, a little chitchat or merely to check on Blueberry and me.

I squeeze her hand as a 'Thank You' and follow her into the hall.

As per usual, Shannon is sitting on the worn-out leather sofa. Two cups in hands.

He lovingly kisses my cheeks and pads my rounding belly. I lead the way to a meeting/reception box. I am not really fond of everybody seeing a Leto and me together. Most of the women give me dirty looks or surround me like a bunch of wasps when the Leto leaves. Either it be Shannon or Jared.

None of them know about Jared and I beside Cassidy. Little do they know he is the reason for my round tummy.

"Here, your chocolate,"

When Shannon sees my pout, he immediately adds, "My brother doesn't want you to drink coffee, you know that."

"Oh come on Shannon! Who wears the panties?!"

"I rather not get in a fight with my brother these times. He is quite on the edge when it comes to you two."

"How sweet of him I can still drink chocolate!"

Shannon merely chuckles and takes a sip at his how so odorant coffee.

"I also came here with my messenger hat. Jared asked me to pick you after your service and stay with you until I receive further instructions."

I wholeheartedly laugh at this, "so you are my chaperone now?"

"I guess so!" I will be waiting by the service entrance at 7."

"I believe I don't have much of a choice here, so let's just say we have a deal."


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