
9 1 0

May 2

The past few months have been really hard. Mark and I split up, and for a while there I was living off scraps and working blood and sweat into a job at a local café. Everything is so different without someone to share the experience with, but I don’t miss him at all. Mark was my first love, but it wasn’t true; and, I regret a lot of the things I did with him.

France is so much bigger than I ever could have imagined. I’ve been trying to save up for a one-way ticket back to America, but every time I raise about a hundred Euros someone steals from my small motel room. I don’t know how exactly they get in, but it could be a maid or someone with an all access key. One thing I know for sure is that very soon I will be moving out of the place I’m staying in, and going somewhere else.

A one way ticket to New York costs about 700 Euros, and then I’ll probably have to pay a taxi to get to my hometown or hitchhike, which could become dangerous; especially in New York. I try to keep optimistic, but with how things are going it’s hard.

Where is your fairy Godmother when you need her?


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