
7 1 0

May 21

I’ve almost got enough money to take me back home. Sadly, I haven’t heard anything from any of the girls lately though. Hopefully when I get back to America we’ll all go back to normal. I’ve missed everyone so much, I feel like a large, heavy weight is lying on my chest constricting my breathing. It’s really hard to be away from your loved ones for such a long time.

I lost my job a few weeks ago, but Mark helped me somehow. He spoke to some men I guess about hiring me. I don’t exactly understand why he helped but I can’t even get a hold of him to find out because he left them without any of his information. The new job paid much more than the grocery store and that’s how I’ve almost come up with all the money. I’m so excited to get back with my friends and family, I will miss Paris though.

There are so many amazing things and people here. There’s always something to do whether it be just going to a café or visiting some landmark. And I’ve learned a lot of French since arriving. I can hold conversations with the locals. My French teacher would have been so proud of me because I practically failed his class.

I’m about to head out to the local coffee shop to have some lunch. I’ll try to write soon, but work is very hard and I have almost no time to myself.

Ta Ta For Now,


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