Part Five

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Satoshi POV
I opened my eyes, and felt really sore and cold air hitting my body. I looked down and saw my naked self under a sheet on, one of the beds in this school, I looked at my wrist and saw them untied and wrapped in gauz.

I tried to get up then, I felt the arms around my waist. I wasn't dreaming... Yoshiki has a lot of muceles under his uniform.

I think to myself, 'Did Yoshiki really liked me more than a friend? And did this school make him snap? Or has Yoshiki always been this way, just never showed his real self to other people?? Do I like Yoshiki now? He is unstable when I'm not near him or someone pisses him off. Okay I'll with Yoshiki so he doesn't hurt anyone, who knows I might fall for him.'

I was so in thought, that I didn't see Yoshiki awake and him putting his clothes back on and he is slowly putting my clothes, he smirks seeing my red face. After the both of us are dressed in our uniforms, Yoshiki slips my school slipper's on then he picks me up bridle style while he repeatedly gropes my butt and kisses me on the lips.

Yoshiki opens the door with his foot and I look at his face, the blood is all gone, like he didn't eat Shinozaki's inside's. But his eyes still hold a crazy look in them, like he will snap if I leave him again. I am still sore so it is no use to run let a loan walk. And, Yoshiki might kill and eat me if I get him mad. Plus he is way stronger than me so who knows what he will do if I piss him off.

But, still I can't bring myself to hate Yoshiki for what he did, kill and eat Shinozaki and rape me. Even if I started to like it...

Wait... Am I falling for Yoshiki???

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