Part 3

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You followed Changkyun out of the dorms, he hadn't said anything to you and he was walking way ahead of you and you were practically running trying to keep up with him. Changkyun led you to a nearby park, and even when you guys were there his pace never slowed he never stopped, or said anything.

"Changkyun," You finally said breaking the silence.

"Be quiet," Changkyun growled through gritted teeth.

His dark voice made you even more nervous, you could tell that he was trying to be calm but the anger in his voice he couldn't hide. You did your best to try to keep up with Changkyun but it seemed the closer you got to him the more he would pick up his pace as if he was trying to avoid looking at you. You stared down at your feet, you were starting to feel nervous, Changkyun probably knows what happened but it could all just be in your head, you could just be being paranoid. As you were thinking this you didn't even realize Changkyun had finally stopped walking and you looked up only to run straight into his back.

"Oh, I'm sorry," You said as you bowed your head.

"Do you think this is some kind of game?" Changkyun said in a low tone as he still hadn't even turned to look at you.

"No, I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking I didn't me..." you started

"Not that!" Changkyun yelled now turning to face you and glared into your eyes, "You lied to me, what the hell were you thinking? Am I just some kind of sick joke of yours, do you just get off on doing this shit to guys?"

"What are you talking about?" You said as you felt yourself getting emotional at Changkyun's harsh words.

"I'm talking about," Changkyun started but then was interrupted.

"Hey," you both heard a voice and turned to see Kihyun walking towards you guys.

"You got to be kidding me," Changkyun sneered and took a few steps away from you and ran his fingers through his hair angrily.

"What's going on?" Kihyun asked as he now stood beside you and saw how upset you were.

"Nothing," You whispered as you rubbed your eyes trying to hide that you were about to start crying.

"What are you even doing here?" Changkyun asked rudely as he turned back to face Kihyun.

"I just saw you guys walking this way and it looked like something was wrong, when I saw you yelling at (y/n) and the way she looked like she was going to cry, I had to come see what was wrong." Kihyun explained as he looked down at you with concern.

"Well Kihyun, its really none of your business what we are talking about its between me and her." Changkyun snarled.

"Well, I became a part of this when I stepped forward to defend (y/n)." Kihyun argued back now stepping towards Changkyun and grabbing your arm and hiding you behind him.

You didn't know what to do, they both were staring each other down and you felt so uncomfortable, you didn't want them fighting like this, they were practically brothers.

"Please just stop," You begged quietly as you bowed your head and felt tears welling up in your eyes, "I just wanna go home."

Kihyun turned and looked at you with gentle eyes, you looked up at him as if you were begging for him to stop.

"Ok," Kihyun agreed seeing that you were really wanting this to end, "Come on, I'll walk you home."

Kihyun nudged you to turn and start walking as he followed behind you.

"Hey, I need to talk to her!" Changkyun yelled as you both kept walking.

"You need to calm down before you try talking to her." Kihyun said with his back still towards him as he walked behind you as if he was protecting you.

You heard Changkyun scoffing and he started to pace back and forth, you knew you had hurt him and this made you feel even worse. You wanted to straighten things out with him, but with how mad he was right now, you knew it had to wait.

You walked slowly, dragging your feet as Kihyun followed beside you not saying anything because he knew you were hurting. You finally arrived at the front door of your apartment building, Kihyun held the door open for you and walked you to the elevator and pressed your floor button for you. You sighed to yourself, you had no idea what you were going to do, you were losing this friendship with these guys and you didn't know how to fix it.

"Hey," Kihyun finally said and you turned and looked up at him, he smiled at you with his usually eye smile and said, "It's going to be alright, I promise."

The elevator door dinged and the doors opened, you stood there staring up at him, you felt reassurance in the way he was staring at you. You smiled faintly at him and stepped onto the elevator and pressed the button for the doors to close

"I'll check up on you ok?" Kihyun said as he smiled at you brightly just before the doors closed.

The elevator started to move up to your floor and you somehow felt a bit calmer. You didn't know how but the way Kihyun and just been there with you and didn't even say anything, you just felt like it was going to be ok. The elevator came to a halt and the doors opened, you stepped out of the elevator and walked over to your door and unlocked it.

As you stepped inside, turning on your entryway lights, your apartment was quiet and lonely. You walked down the hallway towards your room, you went over to your bedside and pulled out your phone that had died and plugged it in before you went to the bathroom to change clothes. You got into some comfortable house clothes and walked back into your room. You looked at your bedside and saw your phone had turned on and you had missed messages on it.

You walked over to it and sat on the edge of your bed, you slid your finger across the screen and typed in your passcode and saw a text message alert. You opened your messages and saw a message from Changkyun, you hesitated but finally grew the courage and opened the message.

'Hope you will enjoy yourself while it lasts, when we see each other again you'll have to face the music.'

You felt your heart racing, you had never known Changkyun to be this hot tempered and you weren't sure what to do. You threw your phone on your bedside table and pushed your blanket so you could crawl inside the covers. You pulled them over your head and tried your best to sleep, but all you could imagine was what was about to come when you finally had to face Changkyun.

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