Part 7

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You walked out of the coffee shop into the rain, you had ran out without your umbrella unable to even look at Changkyun. You had tears rolling down your face as you started to walk away. You had told Changkyun everything, you couldn't continue keeping it from him, especially since he wanted to be with you.
"Hey!" You heard Changkyun call after you, but you continued to walk away.
You couldn't bare to look at him, the way he looked so hurt at what you said was engraved in your memories.
"Stop!" Changkyun called as you continued to walk, "that's it, you're just gonna leave? You're no even going to talk to me? You drop everything you did to me and that's it you're fine?"
"Changkyun please," you begged between sobs as the rain started to fall heavier.
Changkyun ran in front of you and stopped you from walking.
"Changkyun I can't," you started
"You can't? You can't what? Deal with this? Talk to me about this? I told you I don't care what you did in the past few days. And the first thing you need to know is I'm not an idiot, I knew about you and Kihyun." Changkyun said as he stared down at you. "The fact that you sat here and confessed everything to me, it shows me how much guilt you have, if you would've lied to me and just acted like nothing happened, that would've pissed me off. But you didn't, you told me."
"Changkyun, how can you sit here and trust me after what I did?" You sobbed as you still stared down at your feet.
"(Y/n), we have to build from this, we all make mistakes, but you and I weren't exactly together. I know that partly why you did this was because of me, because I yelled at you." Changkyun said as he dipped his fingers under your chin and lifted your head to look at him.
Changkyuns finger slid across your face as he wiped away all the water and tears that were on your face. His eyes were staring into yours and staring beyond your eyes, he could see how much this was eating at you, how much you couldn't let yourself lie to him.
"Changkyun, I'm so sorry," you sobbed as you reached up and grabbed onto his hand.
"I know, just promise me from now on you will be faithful and honest to me, and I'll promise that, no matter how mad I get I won't snap at you and hurt you. Can you promise me that, (y/n)?" Changkyun asked as he pressed his forehead against yours and put his hand behind your neck holding you tenderly.
"Yes Changkyun, I promise," you sobbed.
Changkyun pulled you into his arms, he rested his chin on the top of your head and gently held you as you sobbed into his chest. The rain was still pouring and you both were soaked as you still stood there holding each other.
"Let's get out of the rain," Changkyun suggested as he pulled away and opened your umbrella holding it over the both of you.
Changkyun draped his arm around you and you both started to run down the sidewalk. The rain was getting heavier and you could barely see in front of you.
"(Y/n) I think we need to find shelter, it's getting too bad," Changkyun yelled over the he storm.
You nodded and followed Changkyun, there was a nearby abandoned building and Changkyun ran up the stairs and checked to see if the door was possibly opened. He jiggled the handle and the door reluctantly pushed open.
Changkyun motioned for you to go inside and he followed after you. Changkyun slammed the door closed and locked it. The wind from the store was shaking the old windows and the door seemed like it was about to burst back open.
"Hang on, stay back away from the windows," Changkyun ordered and quickly ran over to an old bookcase and started to push it in from of the door.
The storm grew louder and you could hear the the windows shaking harder.
"Changkyun," you called as you started to get scared and quickly put your hands over your ears.
"It's ok (y/n)," Changkyun called over the storm.
He quickly ran over to you and he started to lead you away from the room. Changkyun had his arms around your shoulders as he led you through a hallway. He looked through a few doors and soon found a room that had no windows and was away from any kind of dangers the storm could bring.
"Stay here for a second," Changkyun ordered as he closed the door behind you.
You squeezed your eyes closed keeping your hands over your ears. You absolutely hate storms, you could still feel the rumbling of the thunder throughout the room and you pressed your eyes and ears closed tighter.
"Changkyun!" You screamed as you started to panic.
You waited but he didn't come back.
"Changkyun!!" You screamed again now starting to cry from fear.
Finally the door opened and you turned, opening your eyes you saw Changkyun and he was carrying an old mattress and blankets.
"I'm here, it's ok," Changkyun yelled over the storm as he quickly pulled the stuff in the room and threw them on the floor.
Changkyun turned back to you and hugged you, he pushed the door closed again.
"It's ok, I'm sorry I'm here now," Changkyun whispered as he caressed your hair. "Come on,"
Changkyun motioned you to sit down on the mattress and wrapped one of the blankets around you.
"I'm scared," you whispered between your chattering teeth.
"Are you still cold?" Changkyun asked as he pulled you into his arms and tried to warm you.
You hid your face in Changkyuns chest, the whole building was still shaking from the storm and you couldn't take your mind off of being scared.
"Hey it's ok, in here, just try and focus on me ok? We will be ok." Changkyun whispered still holding you tightly.
"How long do you think this will last?" You asked as you cling onto Changkyun tighter.
"I don't know, hopefully not too long, so we can get to StarShip and get better shelter." Changkyun responded, "you're still cold, I think it's our clothes that are making us so cold."
"Probably, we got soaked from the storm." You agreed as you pulled the blanket tighter around your body.
"Maybe we should..." Changkyun started and paused.
"We honestly probably should, we could get really sick if we stay in these soaked clothes." You said quietly.
Changkyun didn't do anything for a moment then he pulled away and started to pull off his shirt. You turned away feeling a bit nervous.
"Are you being shy?" Changkyun asked as he ruffled his wet hair trying to get the moisture out. "It's not like you haven't seen me naked."
Changkyun flashed you a smirk and he stood up and started to unfasten his pants. You slowly slid the blanket off your shoulders and started to peel off your soaked shirt, your body filled with goosebumps as the cold moistened air hit your damp body. You stood up and started to unbutton your pants, Changkyun was already in his boxers and he was laying out his clothes to try and dry them.
"Hand me your clothes," Changkyun said as he glanced over at you.
You grabbed your clothes and handed them over to Changkyun, he laid out your clothes and you sat back down on the mattress and covered yourself back up with the blanket. Changkyun walked back over to you and laid down beside you and grabbed another blanket and covered himself up.
"Lay down," Changkyun ordered as he held open the blanket for you to lay by him.
You slowly laid down beside him and he laid out his arm for you to rest your head on. Changkyun pulled you close to him and you could feel his warm body heat through your blanket. You could feel Changkyuns breathe against your ear, you had almost forgot about the storm when suddenly there was a loud boom from thunder.
You jumped and quickly turned to Changkyun and buried your face in his chest. Changkyun chuckled and held you tightly, you heard Changkyun start to hum to you quietly as if he was trying to distract you from the storm.
"I've never seen you like this, you usually don't show this side of you." Changkyun whispered.
"Are you going to make fun of me?" You asked as you held onto him tighter.
"No," Changkyun answered, "but I don't want anyone else to see this side of you."
You smiled into his chest and slowly started to close your eyes, you were so exhausted from this day. Another boom shook the house and you jumped once again.
"It's ok," Changkyun said and he lifted your chin to look up at him.
His eyes were soft and filled with concern, he lowered his lips and gently kissed your forehead. His lips stayed pressed to your forehead and you closed your eyes again. You felt Changkyuns lips slowly leave your forehead and slowly start to move lower to your lips.
You raised your head slightly giving Changkyun better access to kiss your lips. His kiss was gentle, you felt your skin getting warm as your body responded to him.
Changkyuns fingers ran down your neck and across your shoulder. Your grip on him loosened as he pushed open the blanket you had wrapped around your body. His fingers slid down the front of your chest, the tips of his fingers sliding across the edges of your bra and you felt your body shutter.
Changkyuns kiss deepened and you let his tongue explore your mouth. Changkyun slipped his hand behind your back and unhooked your bra, he removed it and tossed it off to the side exposing your breasts. He pulled away from your kiss and slid his hands down you back grabbing your butt and pulling you up higher, giving him better access to your breasts. He slowly started to suck and play with your nipple as he brought up his other hand and massaged the other.
You let a small moan leave you lips and Changkyun dipped his other hand under and started to run his finger through you folds over your panties.
"Changkyun," you moaned out and you pushed Changkyun onto his back and climbed on top of him.
Changkyuns dark eyes looked over your body, his hands slowly ran up your sides as he admired your body. You slowly started to move your hips as you could feel his hard on through his thin fabric boxers. Changkyun closed his eyes and he gripped your sides as he guided you along his hard rod.
"Jagi," Changkyun groaned as you pulled his hands up to your chest to your breasts.
You slowly stopped your movements and Changkyun brought his hands down, looping your panties in his fingers signaling you to let him take them off. You rose up letting you panties slide off and once they were off you took your place back on his lap.
You reached down into his boxers and slid your hand around his rod and slowly started to pump him, your thumb sliding over his tip feeling the precum. You slowly pulled his cock and placed him at your entrance.
Changkyun ran his hands over your body sending another wave of goosebumps and you slid yourself on him letting him fill you up. You moaned out at the feeling of his thickness inside you, you let yourself adjust to his size before you started to move your hips and ride him.
Changkyun groaned and gripped your hips tightly, he started to meet your movements. You quickened your pace and You could hear the small grunts from Changkyun as you rode him.
Suddenly there was another loud boom and you jumped as the whole building shook even harder than before.
"Hey hey, focus on me ok?" Changkyun said as he pulled you into his chest.
He flipped you over placing you on your back and was now on top of you. He kissed you tenderly and you soon forgot about the storm. Changkyuns started to move his hips again as he pushed himself in and out of you, you held onto Changkyun as you started to lose yourself in the ecstasy again.
"Changkyun," you moaned out as you could feel the house shaking which only added to the pleasure you were feeling.
"(Y/n)," Changkyun grunted as his thrusts sped up and he pushed his forehead against yours.
You could feel his hot breath against your lips and his body started to shake.
"Changkyun," you moaned out again pushing his sweaty hair out of his eyes and looking at him deeply.
"Cum with me (y/n)," Changkyun commanded as his thrusts grew sloppy.
"Changkyun, don't stop keep going baby!" You cried out as you felt your body starting to convulse as you started to feel your orgasm.
You let yourself release all around Changkyun and soon Changkyun followed after. You felt his warm seed fill you up and you reached out to Changkyun and pulled him in for a deep kiss. You and Changkyun held each other for awhile, he would caress your body and give you gentle kisses all over your face and shoulders.
"Changkyun, I'm so sorry," you whispered feeling tears starting to slide out of the corners of your eyes.
"Hey, enough," Changkyun said as he pulled back and looked deep into your eyes again, his deep voice was loving and smooth, "all that matters is now, ok? Trust in me and I'll trust in you."
You nodded your head and hugged Changkyun tightly.
"I mean, if Kihyun brings up anything I can't promise I won't punch him but you know," Changkyun teased as he whispered into your ear.
"Hehe, I'll let that slide, in fact I might be the first one to hit." You said and gently kissed Changkyuns neck.
"Either way, it doesn't look good for Kihyun," Changkyun chuckled as he slowly pulled out of you and rolled over next to you.
You laid your head on his chest and he held you close. The storm was still really bad outside but you were too exhausted to even care.
"Changkyun, how long do you think the storm will last?" You asked in a sleepy voice as your eyes started to slowly close.
"I don't know, hopefully it calms down by morning so we can go home." Changkyun whispered as he rubbed your back easing you to sleep, "go to sleep now jagi, everything will be ok."
You listened to the sound of Changkyuns heartbeat, his heart was louder than the thunder that would shake the house. You finally drifted to sleep as Changkyun soothed gently, you weren't sure what was next with your relationship but you were ready to face them with Changkyun by your side.

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