Chapter 5

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I didn't sleep at all last night because I was thinking of Natalie and her craziness. She was dangerous and I didn't know what she could do to me or Namjoon. I did have school today but I kept thinking about not going, I turned over and got my phone and dialled Namjoons number. He answered after two dials.

"Hey babe what's up?" He asked.

"This may seem weird but wanna take the day off school?" I asked him.

"Really? Is this because of Natalie?"

"I haven't slept at all since yesterday so I don't think going to school is a good idea. We could lounge in my room and watch movies"

"Sure that sounds really good. I'll be over in a few"

"Just walk in. My mum and dad are already away to work"

"Okay see you soon" he said hanging up the phone.

I laid back down but couldn't stay awake. I was shaken awake by Namjoon, he was dressed in a baggy t-shirt and ripped jeans but somehow still looked gorgeous. His hair swept back effortlessly as he smiled down at me.

"You look cute when you sleep" he said quietly to me.

I slapped his arm and he chuckled at me.

"Get in here" I said lifting up the duvet to let him in.

He kicked off his shoes and climbed into the bed, I laid my head on his chest and cuddled in to him. I put the TV on and we cuddled whilst watching Disney movies. Namjoon chuckled at me as I sang a long to all the songs.

"Why are you laughing at me?" I asked him.

"Because you're acting like a child. Singing along to the songs and saying the lines" he said to me.

"Yeah I've seen them a billion times. Come on lighten up, the songs are so up beat and there's always a happy ending" I said to him.

"Do you like happy endings?" He asked me all of a sudden sounding serious.

I looked up at him taken aback by his question. His eyes met mine as he waited for my answer.

"Yeah I do. Don't you?" I asked him.

"Well doesn't everyone? But I don't think they happen all the time" he said sounding kind of sad.

"See I know that happy endings don't always happen but I like to believe that they do. It makes life more exciting"

He gave me a small smile and held me closer to him as he kissed my forehead.

"I like the way you think. You're optimistic" he said to me.

"It's the best way to be"

"Come on. Let's watch the movie" he said nodding at the screen.

I looked back at the screen but found it hard to concentrate once again. Why was Namjoon thinking that way? He sounded like he didn't believe in happy endings but I wanted to change his mind. Happy ending existed and I was certain that I could change his mind. After watching several Disney movies it was Namjoons turn to choose a movie. He went over to my collection and picked out a horror movie, he had a cheeky smile as he popped the DVD in to the player. He cuddled me and laughed everytime I got scared.

"You're easily scared April" he said chuckling.

"Yes I am. How are you not?" I asked.

"Because I don't"

I rolled my eyes at him. Everyone has something their afraid of.

"There must be something you're afraid of"

"Well yeah but I'm not telling you. You could use it against me" he said smiling at me.

"I wouldn't. You're making it seem like I'm cruel"

Before we could get any further in to our conversation Namjoons phone buzzed beside him. He groaned and answered it, I could hear loud voices coming from the other end. I chuckled to myself.

"Guys you's need to calm down" Namjoon sighed in to the phone. "No we aren't doing that"

I rolled my eyes knowing exactly what they were asking. I understood why they thought that though, we were both off school so it did seem like we would be doing that.

"Look I'm going to go. See you's later" he said hanging up the phone.

He turned to me with an amused look on his face as I chuckled next to him.

"They thought we were doing the no pants dance didn't they?" I asked him.

He burst out laughing as he struggled to answer me through is laughter.

"Did you seriously just call sex the no pants dance?" He asked me.

"Yes that's what I call it"

"Well then and yes they did" he said putting his arm around me once again.

"Well I could see how they thought that. We're both off school so it would seem it"

"Yeah I guess so" he sighed.

We went back to watching the film and didn't sat another word. Something was off about him today, he wasn't the same guy. Did Natalie have something to do with that? Ever since she appeared, I worried about him. She could tear us apart but I needed to fight for him.

"Namjoon?" I asked.

"Mmm" he said not turning away from the movie.

"You seem distant today. Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Of course. I'm sorry I've just got a lot on my mind"

"Is it because of Natalie?"

He froze. His body went stiff at the mention of her name and I knew that it was because of her. She brought out anger in me that I didn't know I had.

"That's it. I'm going to kill her" I yelled getting up from the bed.

Namjoon chuckled as he watched me almost rip my pajamas off my body. The anger made me forget that I was standing in front of Namjoon in my underwear. He gave me a cheeky smile as I rushed to put my pajamas back on. Namjoon rose from the bed and came over to meet me, my body shaking with anger. He put his hands on my shoulders and looked down at me.

"April, don't worry about it. Don't get yourself hurt or trouble because of me or her. She's really not worth it" he said to me.

"But I see the effect she has on you. You go stiff at the mention of her name and I hate seeing you like that"

He kissed the top of my forehead and pulled me in to him, wrapping his arms around as he tried to calm me. I started breathing slowly and I felt myself calm down a little bit.

"Come on. Let's just enjoy today" he said leading me to my bed.

For the rest of the night we laid in each others arms until he had to leave. He was right, I shouldn't let her effect me the way she did.

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