Chapter 7

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Namjoon and I had been together for a year now and Natalie didn't bother us which surprised us both. She gave us death glares but hadn't actually come near us or harmed us in anyway and that's all I could ask for. We were sitting at our usual table with the gang and he had his arm wrapped around my shoulders. Ever since I started dating Namjoon I had went from invisible to Namjoons girlfriend. I rolled my eyes at that thought and concentrated on the group, Taehyung was dancing with Jungkook, Hoseok and Jimin whilst Jin watched like a cute mother, Suga was listening to music whilst writing something down. I turned to Suga to speak to him.

"What you writing down?" I asked him.

He looked up at me.

"Lyrics and music"

"You write?" I asked.

"Yeah and I produce" he said sounding very proud.

"He's very talented" Namjoon said from behind me.

"I would love to hear what you have sometime" I said.

"Maybe one day" he said to me.

I gave him a smile and turned back around and giggled at the the dancers. They didn't care that everyone one was watching but I wouldn't either if I could dance like that. I looked at Namjoons watch and saw that it was almost time for class and I still hadn't got my books.

"Be back soon I need to get my books" I said giving Namjoon and kiss on the cheek and leaving.

I walked down the hallway and just as I reached the door someone grabbed me and shoved me against the wall hard. Pain shot through me as I noticed who had shoved me. Natalie. She had a evil grin on her face as she punched my face and kicked me down on to the floor. People gathered around us as she kicked me more and more, the pain radiating my body. I heard Namjoon yell at her as two boys dragged her away from me leaving me on the floor in pain. Someone picked me up and carried me bridal style, I looked up to see a worried Namjoon almost running as he carried me.

The guys followed behind him, all had worried looks on their faces as we walked in to the first aid room and laid down. First aiders gathered around me and fixed me up as Namjoon clutched my hand. Once they were done I limped out of the room and faced Namjoon.

"Why did she do that?" I heard Suga ask.

"I know why" Namjoon said. We all turned and waited for him to explain. "When I left your house the day we took the day off from school she followed me. I told her that I never loved her and she said that she would take her anger out on you. I thought she had given up on that since she hadn't done anything to us"

I stood there shocked at what I was hearing. He knew that she wanted to hurt me and yet he didn't tell me.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked him.

"Because I didn't think she would actually do it" he said looking away from me.

"I'm going home" I said walking away.

"April please" I heard Namjoon plead.

I ignored him and walked out of the school and down the street. Pain hit me everytime I walked but it wasn't as bad as the pain of Namjoon lying to me. Someone came running behind me and fear creeped over me as I thought it was Natalie again but was surprised to see Suga standing beside me.

"Can I walk you home?" He asked me.

"Did he send you?"

"Well yes but also I wanted to" he said.

I nodded and we began walking again. It was silent for a while before one of us started speaking.

"So I'm guessing you didn't know about what Natalie said" he said to me.

"Yeah. I just wished he had told me" I said.

"He thinks he was protecting you from her but after what happened he's going to try harder"

"I know he wants to protect me but there's only so much he can do. I can fight my own battles" I said to him.

"Was that you fighting today?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

"Oh shut up" I said pushing him away from me.

He chuckled and came back to walk next me. I chuckled too and started to feel better.

"I'm sorry" he said.

"Don't worry. It actually made me laugh" I said.

"Good. Will you and Namjoon be okay?" He asked me.

"Yeah I just need time to think. We'll be okay" I answered.

"Good because I've never seen him so happy until he met you. Should of seen him when he came back from bumping in to your table, he couldn't stop staring at you" he said smirking.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes. I have to thank you for making him happy" he said as we stopped outside my house.

"No need to thank me. I actually want to thank you all for being so nice to me. Not only have I got Namjoon by my side, I now have amazing friends who are always there for me" I said to him.

"We're always going to be there for you April" he said pulling me in to a hug.

I hugged him back and smiled at him.

"Tell Namjoon that I'll call him tomorrow. I just need tonight alone okay?"

"Will do. Stay safe April" he said before leaving me.

I smiled as I opened my door and walked in to the empty house. Today was a complete shit storm and it drove me crazy, I knew deep down that Namjoon was trying to protect me but Natalie was crazy and smarter than him. She knew how to get to me without Namjoon knowing, she would wait for her perfect moment before pouncing and harming me. I opened my bedroom door and ran on to my bed sobbing in to my pillow. What was I going to do?

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