Chapter 11

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8 Years Later

I was sat on the grass alone and cold. A bottle of beer in my hand as I felt the cold air hit off of me causing me to shiver. The guys left me a while ago to go see their girlfriends but I was alone. All alone. But I did have a girlfriend and her name was April. She is beautiful, funny, charming and my soul mate. Or was, she's gone now. The girl who killed is now locked up and for a while people started to notice who April was but that's gone now. Everyone went back to their lives except for me, I started a new life that whenever April comes in to my head I would drink until I can't think. Thinking about her hurt too much, her laugh, her smile, her hair, her eyes, her everything. I remember everything about her and how she made me feel. She made me forget about my problems and only see the positive in life but that's gone. The sunshine of my life is gone forever. I took a swig of my beer trying to dull the pain in my body.

The one thing that makes me angry is how optimistic April was about happy endings. The topic came up frequently when she was here and how she believed in happy endings, if only she could see how I have ended up.

"Is this what you call a happy ending?" I screamed out in to the night.

A part of me hoped for a reply but I was left in silence. Ever since that night I don't believe in happy endings. Everything dies in the end. I finished my beer and layed on my back feeling myself fall asleep.

Happy endings don't exist April. They never have and never will.

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