Chapter 9

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I woke up in Namjoons arms completely naked. He was snoring next to me and it made me chuckle, this boy had become such a big part of my life and I didn't know what I was do without him. The sun was pouring in to the room making it light up so I tried to remove myself from the bed without waking up Namjoon but he stirred and smiled as he woke up to see me completely naked next to him. He grabbed my waist and pulled me back in to the bed where he tightened his arms around me squeezing me in to his chest. His grasp around me loosened a bit but he didn't fully let go of me.

"Good morning" he whispered in to my ear.

"Morning" I whispered back.

"Thank you for last night" he said to me.

"Isn't your parents going to question why you weren't in your room?" I asked him.

"Nah. They probably haven't noticed that I'm not in my room but we should probably get up soon to avoid suspicion" he said getting up.

I layed there looking at his beautful body and smiled to myself as I enjoyed the view. He turned around and threw a sock at me distracting me from my gaze.

"Come on. You can't stare at my butt all day" he said pulling a pair of jeans on.

I giggled as I got out of the bed and went over to the bags that littered the floor. Once I had chosen a comfy pair of jeans and a plain white t-shirt, I followed Namjoon out of room and downstairs in to the kitchen. His parents were sat at the table with cups of coffee, they smiled as they seen us walk in to the room.

"Good morning April. Did you sleep well?" His mother asked me with a bright smile on her face.

"Yes I did thank you" I said sitting down at the table.

"You must be April" His father said turning to me.

"Nice to meet you Mr Namjoon" I said to him.

"Nice to meet you too" I said to him.

"So what have you lovebirds got planned for today?" She asked Namjoon and I.

I turned and looked at Namjoon. We hadn't really planned anything but like every other time Namjoon had a plan.

"We're going for a walk" he said quickly.

"Aw well that sounds lovely" she said to us.

"We best be going now. Come on April" he said grabbing my hand and pulling me away from the kitchen.

I waved goodbye to his parents as I was yanked out of the door and in to the street by Namjoon. We walked quickly down the street and in to a forest, the grass had freshly bloomed flowers and cherry blossoms grew from all of the trees. The scenery took my breath away, I clasped Namjoons hand as we walked slowly down the narrow path. There was a small breeze and the sun was shining down on us making the the colours pop, I couldn't believe how beautful this place was.

"This place is amazing" I said looking up at Namjoon.

"It is. I used to come here all the time" he said.

"Really? Why?"

"Just to escape from everything. Needed time alone, time to think. But I haven't been here in a while"


"Well since I found you, my mind has been completely clear. I don't need space anymore" he said to me.

"Wow" was all I could say. What else could I say? He was saying that I was the reason that he didn't need to find space or have time to think. He truly loved me.

"Yeah I know, I can be a real romantic sometimes" he said smirking at me.

"You can and I love it" I said wrapping my arms around his waist and squeezing him.

Despite everything that had happened, I did feel happy with Namjoon and was prepared to fight Natalie for him. She was completely obsessed with him and fixated on hurting me for some reason. Did she know I was here with Namjoon? Does she know that I'm not at my house anymore? I gave myself a mental slap in the face and told myself off for thinking about her. I shouldn't think about her, not today anyway, I was walking with my amazing boyfriend under colourful cherry blossoms, what more could I ask for?

"What you thinking about?" He asked me.

"You don't want to know. It will ruin the mood" I said to him.

"You're thinking about Natalie aren't you?"

I nodded looking away from him and removing my arms from his waist. I knew that it would ruin the mood. But surprisingly Namjoon stepped in front of me stopping me in my tracks and took my face in his hands. He looked deep in to my eyes and almost in to my soul.

"Don't let that bitch ruin what we have. She's just a psycho who needs put away for life, locked up and throw away the key. No matter what she tries to do to you I am not going to let her hurt you" he said to me.

His lips met mine and he kissed me hard and passionately wrapping his arms around me. I felt safe in his embrace but for how long could this last?

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