A.N Help pls

247 12 17

Hey guys, just to be serious for a moment, I need some advice. How do you handle bullies if no authority won't stop them? Like if the bully is verbally being awful and doing rude things like crossing your name off the cheerleading sign up sheet and they continue to go wherever you go, as like in a group of friends going out and her saying that she'll go even though she wasn't invited just to give me a hard time and to flirt with my person? It's been happening for at least three months now and I've been trying to ignore it but today I had a bad panic attack about it and honestly I'd rather just die than go outside my house because of her. It's worse because she used to be my best friend but now, she's just a lil she-devil. She even hacked my accounts and said bad things about herself so it looked like I did it! Of course she went to the principle about it and even though he knew she was full of it he asked my to just have two days of iss just to shut her up.
Honestly I'm so fed up with it and if I don't get advice I'm literally going to kick her butt
Well, in my head I mean cause violence isn't the answer
So yes pls help a fellow out pls

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