A Preview :--)

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Splayed out on his bed in his dorm as usual, Armin sighed in frustration. He couldn't say no, literally, for the life of him he couldn't. that being said, here he is copying his notes from yesterday's lectures onto three loose-leaf papers for his fellow alcohol addicted peers.

It shouldn't even be that hard to say no, I never liked them anyways. Three people disliking me isn't that bad, right? Right?

Armin stretched his aching muscles as he took yet another break from this wrist-spraining hell. Hell knows he should've stopped being a pushover after high school, but that stupid, sickly kind angel on the blonde's shoulder told him otherwise. He picked up his phone, ready to entertain himself with Tumblr posts when one of his friends texted.

Eren Jaegerbomb: U free tonight? I just found the coolest band ever n learned this cool song.

You: Ehhh I guess I am, just gotta finish hell on paper lmao

Eren Jaegerbomb: gnarly

Armin cringed to himself as his best friend sent his last text.

Jesus Christ, no one says that anymore.

He rushed to finish the rest of the notes and soon nearly yelled in agony as he realized he could've just used a printer to copy his notes. Pushing the rampent thought to the back of his head, Armin sighed and walked out of his nearly too clean dorm room and onward to his own kind of heaven.


"Arminnn, why do you let people do this shit to you?" Eren groaned as he looked at the blonde from his seat at the mini keyboard placed in a corner of his own dorm room.

"It's not like I want them too, it's just easier for them to leave me alone when I say yes." Armin sighed, inwardly thinking of how saying no would affect his 'nice guy' look.

One slip up and everyone would hate me.

"Armin, we both know that's stupid. Just say no and if they say anything else punch them in the throat.

"Eren please, they would literally maul me, I'm too fragile for that." The blue eyed young adult replied, half joking half serious.

Eren sighed in frustration and turned around to face his keyboard, playing random notes.

Am C G D...Am C G D...Am C G -

"Oh, dude! I almost forgot about the song!" He smiled, picking himself and Armin from their own track of day dreaming. Armin looked at him with endearment, loving how Eren could make things better so quickly.

Eremin TbhOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora