Chapter 1

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"Look man, she'll never be interested." Stiles' best friend continued to tell him over and over again.
"Look Scott, I have this thing called the ten year plan. I'll get her to fall in love with me, I can guarantee it." Stiles argued.
"And if that doesn't work..?" Scott questioned.
"Well uhh.. Eha.." Stiles couldn't think of anything to say, so the both just shared a laugh. Lydia Martin was Beacon Hills "It-girl". She was everything everyone wanted. There was only one problem.. She was taken.. By Jackson Whittemore. His worst enemy. Scott and Stiles hopped into the jeep, and started making there way back to Scott's place.
"Okay okay.. Should we just get homework out of the way?" Scott asked in a tired tone.
"Yeah, I guess we should." Stiles said. After two long hours of equations and formulas, Stiles crammed his books back into his bag.
"So.. Any news on Derek?" Stiles asked. Derek had been missing for a month now, and they were starting to get worried.
"I wish, every time we find a lead it is just a dead end. Some true alpha I am, can't even find one person..." Scott began to get angry.
"Look man, get some rest. I'll be over tomorrow and we'll find something. I promise." Stiles knew the promise was empty, but it would at least give Scott some hope. He walked out the door, saying goodbye to Melissa on the way out. It was already dark. He hopped into his jeep and turned the key, but nothing happened. Stiles snatched his duct-tape and opened the hood. He didn't know what to do. Everything was smoking and steaming, so he started taking out random parts and taping them back in. After 15 minutes, he got annoyed and slammed the hood down and drove off in the almost broken car. He drove home and began to walk to his door. He heard talking and looked to his left. There was a moving truck at the house next to him. Looks like someone could finally afford the place, no one had lived there in three years. He shrugged, and walked into the house.
"You're home late.. Again." The sheriff said concerned.
"Ah, sorry dad.. Car troubles." Stiles replied.
"Whatever, just don't be doing things you shouldn't. I am the sheriff you know, I ain't afraid to arrest my own kid." The sheriff joked. Stiles laughed, and walked to his room. He put Star Wars into the DVD Player, and drifted to sleep. He dreamed about Lydia. He dreamed of her watching his lacrosse game, watching him score one after another. She was cheering him on and had the biggest grin. The game was over, and Lydia ran up to him and kissed him. He was brought out of this alternate universe by the sound of his beeping alarm clock. He rolled over and smacked it off of the table. It continued to ring. He mumbled a cuss under his breath, and got up and began to get ready.
Are you guys enjoying it so far c:? I've always liked reading fan fictions, so why not one of my own? 😂 Anyway, I'll get to writing the next part.
My Instagram is staliaaf.x 💕

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