Chapter 3

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It was finally the weekend. She had made it through her first week of school, and she had even gotten asked on a date. Thinking of it made her smile. He asked me out. He asked me out.. It kept repeating in her head. It seemed almost unreal- she was treated like the beacon hills itgirl. She got up and began to get ready. She applied her makeup and straightened her hair. After doing so, she began to look for an outfit. She chose a blue flannel and a pair of black leggings.
"Where are you off to, honey?" Her father asked.
"Err.. Just uh.. Meeting with some friends dad!" He wouldn't like the idea of her being on a date so soon. After he flashed her a smile, she quickly walked out the door. Climbing into her car, she quickly checked her phone. No message from him yet.. She was disappointed, but she still started driving to the movie theater. After arriving, she looked at her phone. 25 minutes early.. She sighed. Often she got stressed and rushed when getting ready for events, hence why she was always early. She turned her radio up, blasting the current song playing. She leaned back and closed her eyes and started to relax. Her phone beeped.
"Hey, I'll be 10 minutes late. Sorry." Is all the text read. She sighed. At least I'll get more rest I suppose.. Upon awaking, she checked her phone once again after hearing it chime.
"I'm here. Where are you?" Shit.. I guess I fell asleep. At least it was only two minutes.. Without bothering to text back, she walked into the theater. There he stood. Her date. Theo Raeken.
"Stiles, just talk to her next week.."
"Look Scott, it's not that easy. Have you forgotten I've never been even noticed by a girl? Lydia practically thinks I don't exist, and she's one of your best friends! I just.. I don't know Scott, I don't want to mess up with her.." He had a defeated look plastered on his face. With a sigh, Scott sat down next to his best friend.
"Look man, you just gotta.. Go for her. Look at me and Allison. We are just fine together. You never know. Malia could be the one." Scott encouraged him.
Stiles just sat there with a blank face. It was an expression he used often. It hid his emotions. It was one of the things he had mastered after having anxiety for so long. Although it didn't ever fool Scott. After all, he could smell the aura of fear surrounding me.
She tried watching the movie, but it was distracting with Theo constantly gripping her thigh and giving her a sly smirk. She didn't want to be rude, so she ignored it and moved to the other edge of her seat. He got closer.
"How about.. We go to my place after this.." He whispered in her ear. His hot breath gave her chills.
"Uh.. Agh, you know I have this math exam I have to study for, and my dad-"
"Sounds like a ton of bullshit to me. Come on, love a little. Have some fun." He said as an evil smile crept up his face.
"I uh, I gotta go.." She stammered and stormed out of the theater. He ran after her, but she drove away. Half way through her drive back home, the car stopped. The gas gage read E of course! Of all times, now is the time I run out of gas! She got out of her car and stood in the pouring rain. She didn't care anymore. She would leave her car and have her dad get gas tomorrow. She started walking in the pouring rain with tears falling from her face. Her date had turned into a disaster.

Stiles looked out the window. He saw a girl walking on the sidewalk alone, crying in the rain. He opened the door and yelled out to her. As soon as he saw her face, his stomach twisted into a knot. Malia. His cheeks went red as she walked closer to him.
"Uh.. Do you um need something?" She said between tears.
"Yeah, uh.. It's Malia, right? It's Stiles. You should probably come on in and get dried off.." He said to her.
"O-okay.." She said. Besides, it couldn't really turn out worse than her day already had been. He directed her to the shower and then laid on his bed. When she got out, she realized she had no dry clothes. "Stiles?" She yelled. He walked over to the door and knocked. She let him in, gripping a towel to cover her. "Could I uh.. Borrow a long shirt or..?" She asked.
"Oh, right. Of course Malia." He told her. When she received the shirt, he awkwardly left the bathroom.
She was breathtaking. She walked out in one of his old T shirts, no makeup, and unbrushed hair, but stiles still couldn't take his eyes off her. Her eyes trailed down to her phone. Her dad texted her.
"Working night shift. Don't want you staying alone. I already lost you once, I won't again. Stay with a friend tonight." She sighed. She hadn't made any friends.
"Everything okay..?" Stiles asked her sound concerned.
"My dad is working the night shift. He doesn't want me to be home alone after.. Thing that have happened. I don't know where to stay." She mumbled.
"You can stay here." He said sounding a little too excited.
"Really? T-Thanks.. " She said. Thats when he noticed she was shivering.
"Here, you can borrow one of my hoodies." He told her. She put the hoodie on. It smelled of his cologne.
"Are you sure your dad won't mind if-"
"Night shift." He interrupted. It beat the purpose of her staying at his house, but she didn't really mind. She laid down in his bed, and he laid beside her, and they slowly drifted to sleep.
She woke up breathing heavily. She was dreaming about her family again. Stiles rose to his side and put his arm around her.
"A-Are you okay?!" He could barely get the words out of his mouth.
"Yeah.. Just a bad dream.." She said. He got less worried then. He thought something had happened. He held her hand as a sign that she was safe for the night. With that, she slept easier without any bad dreams.

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