Chapter 2

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Stiles quickly brushed his teeth, and threw on a flannel. This was his usual routine, he didn't need to impress anyone. After all, he was basically invisible to the girl he loved. He grabbed his bag, and quickly left the house without saying goodbye to the sheriff. His eyes felt tired, and he was dizzy. Maybe staying up till 4:00 AM watching star wars wasn't the best idea. But he didn't care. It was normal to him. He moped his way over the the jeep, and began to drive to Scott's house. Scott was already sitting on the steps outside his home waiting for him.
"Hey man!" Scott yelled
"Hey." Stiles replied. Scott hopped into the jeep and they were back on the road.
Damn was she scared. It was the first day at Beacon Hills High school, and let's just say she didn't hold the best record at her previous schools. She usually just threw her hair into a bun and left, but she had a different idea today. She could start over. She could be whoever she wanted. After all, it was a new school with new people. She curled her hair and began to do her makeup. Many mistakes later, she got annoyed and stopped. Foundation and mascara was enough. In fact, it was a little too much for Malia's taste. She ripped through her closet trying to find something nice. When she finally did, she threw it on, attempting not to smear her makeup or ruin her hair.
"You can do this.. You can make it through the day. Easily!" She started to tell herself whilst looking in the mirror. She didn't believe it, but at least it helped. She grabbed her bag, and left the house.
Scott slammed the passenger door and started walking to class. Stiles decided to stay in the jeep for a bit. He heard a car pull up beside him. Inside was a girl who looked to be in his grade. She was breathtaking. Her curled hair, brown eyes, and white smile. He couldn't help but stare. She looked over and waved at him. He was quickly awoken from his daze and waved back. Before he could embarrass himself even more, he grabbed his bag and walked to math. Math was his least favorite class. Not because he didn't like math, but because he didn't have any friends in the class, so he often sat alone.
Her first class was math. Great. Math.. She was horrible at math. She followed the assistant principal to the door and she walked in with her head down. She didn't want to see anyone there. She didn't even want to be there.
"Class, this is your new student. Malia Tate. Malia, you can take a seat next to Stiles."
He looked familiar.. She thought to herself. She made her way over to the seat. She could notice him staring at her through the corner of his eye.
"Umm.. Are you okay..?" She asked him.
"Uh um yeah. Yeah sorry it's just.. Sorry." He stammered. That was weird. she thought. She took out her red highlighter and started highlighting everything in the book.
He couldn't stop staring at her. She was stunning. He loved her eyes and the way her hair shined when hit by the sun. As soon as Malia caught his stare, he turned away. Caught again.. Stiles thought to himself. Feeling embarrassed, he started to take notes on what the teacher was saying.
Malia jumped into her car, and drove home. She couldn't stop thinking about him. About Stiles. His slightly messy hair, his inability to stop staring at her, and his silly smile. She quickly shook the thought out of her head. It's your first day Malia.. You don't even know him. She told herself. But still, he lingered in her thoughts. As soon as her foot hit the cement driveway, she felt relieved. Finally home, and no where near the hell hole they called school.
"How was your first day, Malia?" Her father spoke.
"Great, dad." She replied. She walked up to her room and started to remove her makeup. After it was all off, she slipped on a pair of leggings and a tank top. It was her favorite thing to wear to bed. She did love shorts, but they got uncomfortable quickly. I wonder if he will talk to me tomorrow.. Probably not.. He is just another guy Malia. You know plenty. He is probably a douche anyway.. Although she kept telling herself that, she still liked the thought of him. She sprawled out onto her bed, and turned on a movie and drifted to sleep.
He couldn't sleep. All he could think about was her. Malia. Malia Tate. Although he hadn't talked to her, he could tell she was special. The thought of her made him smile. Not like those half-assed smiles people put on in their yearbook photos. This was different- this was real. And slowly, he became tired, and drifted to sleep.

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