Time for action!

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Bloom looks at everyone "we need to talk to mrs. faragonda (sorry if I didn't spell that right) and you all have to talk to your teachers too sky!" Sky nods and smiles kissing bloom "we will talk to them."

After they told the teachers (I'm lazy sorry!!) they all came to the red fountains arena. All the fairies and specialists even the witches were there confused. The winx and the specialists came in the middle and some people were confused. Roxy stands up "hey mrs. Faragonda what's going on?" Faragonda look at everyone and raised her hand to put a barrier around. "Students we have mission for you all! We are going to rescue a fairy known as the balance fairy." Other fairies was really confused at what she said  cause there are already great 10 balance fairies.

"My students this fairy is far from the others. She's the princess the daughter of the original fairy Queen crystal who creates the balance fairy. Her mom helped me battle the three witches and valtor!" Everyone gasp even bloom and the others. "Sadly those aren't the only one the great dark king known as rogue was her mother the original queen was enemies with him. It took 12 years for her to seal him away... I fear that he will use her queen crystals power to make the world in eternal darkness..."

"Wait why couldn't she stop him?!? What do you mean use?!?" Stella bursts angry and annoyed. Faragonda stared at Stella and looks down, "Queen crystals daughter has the power of life and peace as well as the dark and chaos... If he used her power she will be unstoppable. Her mother had to use it to weaken rouge and seal him, but once she did she was uncontrollable until she told me and you bloom's parents to destroy her. "   Everyone was silent but Nile was furious "you dumb idiots!! No wonder Salina is kidnapped!!!" Everyone was shocked and confused but he kept going, " DONT YOU GET IT? ONCE THE BALANCE FAIRY  QUEEN DIE HER POWER GOES TO THEIR DAUGHTER!!!"

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