Chapter 3

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*Jacks POV*

I've never cursed before, but the moment I sat on my bed: "Dammit." I mumble. Elsa got put in Ravenclaw. And, I wanted to be in the same house as her, so I asked the hat to put me in Ravenclaw.

It pondered it over for a moment, and in that moment I thought that it would. But then, it decided on Slytherin.

At least Flynn is here. "What'd you say Jack?" He asks stuffing his suitcase under his bed. After supper we were dismissed to our houses and the head of Slytherin house is Professor Aster Eastmund. He also teaches defense against the dark arts.

"Nothing, don't worry about it."

"Let me guess," he leans against the bed frame crossing his arms. "You're upset because you aren't in the same house as that Elsa girl."

I just glare at him and don't answer. "Dude why bother? She's just a girl. Get over it." Flynn climbs into his head.

I nod my head. "Yeah I guess. She's just a silly girl." I say getting into my own bed.

"Trust me. She's probably one of those stuck up girls who can't get her nose out of a book."

I don't answer because, I'm the same way. I love to read. But I also like to mess around, and school has never been the best thing I've been good at.

I push away all of my thoughts as I try to go to sleep.


After breakfast, I find out that Hiccup and I have defense against the dark arts together. "So, where is it?" I ask as we walk through the corridor.

"It's this way, just follow me." Hiccup starts walking faster so I have to pick up my pace to keep up with him. We get inside and take our seats. When I turn my head, I just so happen to notice that it's right next to Elsa.

The exact person Flynn told me to forget about. I turn my head away and act like I don't know that she's there. But even still, I couldn't help but notice that she wasn't sitting next to anyone before Hiccup and I came.

I clear my throat. "Hey, Elsa-"

"Shhh." She says holding up her finger.

"Excuse me?" The moment I ask, professor Eastmund comes walking in. How did Elsa know that he was coming? I don't have time to answer my own question, because that's when he starts.

"Alright you little ankle bitters. Turn to chapter five in your books." He says in a Australian accent. With a bored sigh, I get out my book.

"Is there a problem Mr. Frost?" He asks looming over me.

"No sir."

"Really? Because to me it sounded like you did."

"With all due respect professor, I don't think, breathing, is much of a problem." I stare him down while he does the same.

He stands up straight and looks at Elsa. "Could you tell me about..." He rambles on but I don't listen. From this day forth, I don't think professor Eastmund and I are going to get along.

*Elsas POV*

The gaul! The absolute gaul he had challenging the professor! I still can't believe it. I check out a book to help me study and take notes for my dark arts class.

I huff as I make me way across the open area of the castle. Jack is infuriating. He kept looking over at me during class and whispering to the brown haired boy.

Jack is trouble, just like I thought. "Hey Elsa!" A voice calls. I turn around and see that brown haired boy that was sitting next to Jack.

Judging by his robes, he's in Hufflepuff. He's starts taking deep breaths when he stops after reaching me. "Dang you walk fast." He pants out finally.

Jelsa, The Big 8, at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now