Chapter 5

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*Elsas POV*

I take my usual seat on the hogwarts express train, and look out the window. I didn't see Jack or Kristoff getting on. Maybe they didn't see me. Or they decided not to be my friend anymore. I would understand. No one stays around me for long.

The thought makes me sad and I drop my head. "There you are." My head snaps up. He walks in with Kristoff following. "We were looking all over for you. Kristoff saw you before we got on the train." Jack says sitting next to me.

"Really? I was looking for you guys but I never saw either of you."

"Elsa you need to get your eyes checked. Look at Jack. His hair is, bright white. It's pretty hard to miss." We laugh, and I have to wipe a tear away.

"Sorry. I just didn't see it." I say still laughing. Jack pushes my shoulder. I push back. "Stop it guys come on." Kristoff looks bored.

I frown at him and pull out my ice magic book. "You study ice magic?" Jack asks. I hesitate before answering. "Y-yeah. Pretty dumb right.." I close the book. He opens it back up, his hand over mine. "No no, I study ice magic too. I've gotten pretty good at it."

I pull my hand away, his is abnormally warmer than it should be. "I don't think that you're better then me. I've been doing it ever since I was five years old."

Jack smirks. "Oh yeah? Let's see who's better.." Jack raises his wand, I reach for mine. "No please don't! I'd rather not freeze to death before meeting your sister."

Kristoff has his hands raised, book resting on his lap. "Fine. To be continued Frost." Jack keeps his wand out another minute before putting it back.

Kristoff and Anna have been sending letters back and forth all winter. He asked for our address so that he could write her. Of course I told Anna about him when I saw her after getting off the train.

They've been getting along so well, that Anna is praying that she gets in Hufflepuff.

It's always been so easy for her to make friends. I've had trouble my entire life. It took me months to finally be friends with Jack, Hiccup, Kristoff, and Flynn. And they're not even in the same house as me!

All the other girls and guys in Ravenclaw avoid me like the black plague. "That's Elsa Arens.." they whisper.

"Her parents work in the ministry."

"I hear that her dad secretly wants to over throw the minister of magic.."

"Her hair is so weird."

"Why is she so pale..?" On and on, blah blah blah, every day. Usually I just try to ignore them all.

"Hey," Jack nudges my shoulder, pulling me out of my thoughts. "You okay?"

I take a moment to breathe. "Yeah I'm fine. Just eager to get back." Which is not a whole lie. Jack looks at me like he knows there's more to the story.

Finally he decides to leave it alone and shrugs. "If you say so." He and Kristoff talk about usual boy stuff as I continue to read my ice magic book.


I leave my houses table during supper to go to the bathroom. I couldn't take the stares and whispers from the other students anymore.

As I make my way towards the girls bathroom, someone grabs my arm. "Hey Elsa. Where you goin?" He asks. I look back at his ugly green eyes. "Nowhere you need to concern yourself with."

I jerk away, but he grabs my arm again. "There's no need for you act like this. Come with me, let's cause some trouble."

"No! I'd rather not be expelled because of you. Excuse me if I don't exactly trust you." I yank my wrist out of his grip. He face turns angry. "Is it because of the house I'm in? Because to me it looks like you like hanging around that mudblood. A disgrace entirely."

Jelsa, The Big 8, at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now