Lights & Sirens

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"Slenderman has been gone for three fucking weeks, LJ. This is not normal," Jeff gritted his teeth together, his fists clenched tightly at his sides.
"Oh shut up, Jeff," LJ rolled his eyes, pulling the third sucker that day out of his mouth. "Stop nagging like an old bitch and move the fuck on with your life. Slender is gonna come back, and all of us are gonna look at you like you're a lil bitch."
Jeff turned and stormed away, where, nobody knows.
"LJ!" Ej yelled, rushing into the mansion. "I was running, from the federals!" He panted.
None of them thought much of it, for they've all ran from them at one point. Most of them tuned out, whilst a few others continued to listen.
"And they followed me! They're coming!"
"Tch," Ben scoffed. "That's impossible, humans can't get through the barrier, nor can they see through it. To them, you just disappeared."
"That's the thing," his voice came out a bit shaky, gaining the rest of the crews attention. "The gone."
Everybody stopped talking. Ben put down his controller, Sally put down her dolls, and they all stared at him.
"You're lying..." Hoodie said softly.
But he wasn't. Soon, the sirens were being heard loud and clear throughout the entire mansion. They all gathered on the top floor, Jeff, who put aside the argument from before, and LJ in the middle of the small circle they formed.
"We'll fight back. But we're weaker and more vulnerable now. We used to have that reassurance of a safe home to go back to, but we're now fucked," Jeff said, looking around at everybody. "Don't just focus on killing; but I know that will be hard. Try to focus on escaping, as well. We'll all meet up at Toby's."
"Toby's isn't safe anymore, either, Jeff," Sally said softly.
He ignored her, continuing on with a plan. They could hear the federals coming in with their dogs, and then the dogs running out freely. Smile Dog will take care of the pesky animals, though.
"Split up. Now."
Nobody could hear who said it, but they did it anyways. They all ran out, some through the windows, some through the door. They each pulled out their weapon of choice, and charged. They were monsters; the definition of cold blooded.
The police swarmed the place like ants, leaving little escape routes. LJ hid behind a door, as cliché as it sounds, and waited. He waited till the coast was clear, then he darted through the dimly lit hallway, to the end, where there lays a hidden room beneath a creaky board. He double checked before lifting it up, and fitting his small body in the cramped space.
For hours he sat there, listening to his friends, his family, being caught one by one. Jeff was the last to be caught. He put up the biggest fight; he must've slaughtered at least four federals before they finally restrained him enough to sedate him.
After they took him, LJ heard somebody, who must've been the commander, speaking to one of his lieutenants.
"We will bomb the place down at dawn tomorrow," he spoke.
"S-sir! Don't you think that's dangerous?"
"Why the hell would it be dangerous?! These beasts have killed countless innocent civilians! We will burn every last inch of their home! If there's more homes, we'll find them! We'll find them and burn them all to ash!"
LJ stayed put, anger radiating off his body. He couldn't do anything alone; he'd have to break all of his companions out, first. After that, they'd take their revenge. They'd kill each and every man who took part in this expedition, every single family member of theirs. They'll make them wish they were never born.

He waited another three hours before he came out of his hiding place. There was caution tape surrounding the entire area, and LJ had no doubt about it that there were surveillance cameras out, as well. So he rushed to his room, and packed everything he'd need. Aka, weapons. Lot's of them.
He was alone, now. He couldn't count on his friends having his back, he had only himself. Or so he thought.
A board creaked from the hallway, and LJ spun around, prepared to put up a fight before he, too, got taken away.
"Laughing Jack," the man, or more of a boy, spoke.
The figure emerged from the shadows, revealing none other but the proxy, Masky.
"Great," he spat. "Now not only do I have to make sure my ass stays alive, but I have to make sure you do, too."
Masky looked straight ahead, his body language not showing any sign of offence. The only one who could ever tell if he took offence to anything is Hoodie, but he was obviously not there.
"Let's go. They'll be back at dawn."
Masky nodded, following LJ as he passed him through the hall. The mansion was awfully quiet, giving off an nostalgic feeling. Their footsteps echoed off the wooden boards, all the way until their feet touched the crisp grass right outside.
"Where will we go, Laughing Jack?" Masky asked.
"Toby's, obviously," he replied, as if it were the most obvious answer.
"How do you know he hasn't been caught, as well? The barriers down, the federals would have searched the entire area."
"Shut up, idiot!"
"How am I the idiot here? You're the one not thinking things through! Is this just a game to you? Oh wait, my bad. Everything's a game to you, because all you are is a stupid clown!"
LJ pulled put his knife, pressing it against Masky's throat. "I'd be careful what you say to me, proxy," he hissed.
They stood there for a few minutes, LJ's knife against Masky's throat, Masky's fists clenched at his sides. After a while, he pulled his knife away, slipping it into a sheath.
"It's time to go. We'll be captured if we don't. We'll travel East, outside the barrier. We'll have to avoid any sort of violence for the time being, or else we'll for sure be caught," LJ said, walking into the darkened shadows of the forest.
"What will we do?"
"Isn't it obvious? We're going to look for Slender and get our friends back."

Dead Or Alive |Laughing Jack X Masky|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang