Disobedience & Fueds

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They took shelter for the remainder of the night at an old windmill far outside of the barrier, and far out of town. Masky slept perched against a window, while LJ slept with his knees tucked tightly to his chest.
Even when asleep those two were prepared; they each clung to a weapon, their eyes closed and their breathing steady. Though, nothing happened. They slept peacefully throughout the night, without any interruptions.
"Oi, Masky," LJ muttered, nudging him softly with his elbow. "Let's get a move on, the federals are bound to search this area sooner or later."
"Mmm," Masky hummed on reply, not really listening to what the clown was saying. "Alright, five more minutes."
"Five more minutes? Five more minutes? Alright, you got five more minutes! Have fun being fucking murdered by the feds when they find you in your 'five more minutes!'" LJ yelled, his anger boiling to the surface.
Masky looked in the direction of the other male, with what LJ was assuming was a blank expression. "For a clown, you're not being so funny."
"Hardy har fucking har," LJ laughed sarcastically, crossing his arms across his chest. "Let's go."
Masky slid off the window seal, landing lightly on his feet. "I suppose you're right," he said, gesturing for LJ to be the first to climb down.
LJ nodded simply, shimmying his body through the slim, square entrance of the small room, then made his way down the untrustworthy ladder. Once his feet touched the ground, he remained still, listening for any approaching visitors.
"All clear," he called up to the proxy, watching as the small boy fit (easily) through the entrance, and placed his small feet on the ladder. He made it about two steps down before the creaking started. Masky was still fairly high up, and LJ would rather not have to carry a killer with a twisted ankle for hours and days and weeks. "Careful."
Masky took another step down, but whether or not he was being careful did not matter. The rusted metal steps snapped in half, causing Masky to lose his not so perfect balance in the first place. He began to fall, slight fear creeping inside the strong barrier of his mind.
"Masky!" LJ called out, a string of profanities following. He reached his arms out towards him, catching the masked male in his arms. Masky stared up at the clowned murder, with an expression LJ knew not.
"You can put me down now."
LJ dropped him, Masky landing on his bum with a small thud and an 'oof.'
"Let's go."
They set off, their shoes making soft crunching sounds in the dry dirt. They had not a single idea where might Slenderman be, but they continued to move. "Do you think Toby has been captured?"
"There is a high probability that he was. Which is why we cannot go there; there's too much of a risk."
"Well, then what do you suppose we do?" Masky asked, continuing to look straight ahead.
"Visit Slenderman's relatives, of course."
"That's great, except for one thing, LJ," Masky said, coldly. "Slender has forbid us from ever making contact with Offenderman."
"Well, the circumstance has changed, hasn't it? We are the last remaining creepypastas that live behind Slenderman's barrier. We've got to do something to save them, before they're all killed."
"Then....who do we visit first?" Masky asked.
"I'd say we start with the easiest one. Trenderman."
Masky made a snort like noise, looking sideways at LJ. "Do you actually take that guy seriously? Why would Slenderman go to him, of all people? He'd go to Zalgo before ever going to Trender!"
"Well, we've gotta start somewhere. Do you have any other suggestions?" LJ snapped, turning abruptly towards the shorter, masked proxy.
"Yeah, I do! Why don't we do what Slenderman would want us to do, and go into hiding until he comes to find us?!"
"How would you know what Slender wants us to do? He only used you to do his fucking errands, Masky! How would you ever understand something like this?!"
"At least he fucking trusted me! All you guys have ever been good for is killing and destroying the home he gave us! I actually helped!"
"Excuse me? I never destroyed anything! I've kept my part of the deal completely! I kept my space clean, I finished my missions on time, and I never, ever defied Slenderman!"
"You're defying him right now," Masky said coolly. "You are choosing to disobey his order, and visit the one man he has forbid us to ever make contact with."
"Oh, shut the fuck up, Masky. We might not even have to get to Offenderman. What do you want me to do? Sit around and wait for the big guy, like a god damn proxy would?" He spat. "I've got some news for you, kid! I'm not a proxy!"
"You're worse than I thought."
"Oh boohoo."
"You're a terrible clown."
"You've already used that insult today. Now you can't use it for two days."
"Don't tell me what to do, you pathetic scrub."
LJ laughed loudly, shoving Masky to the dirt. He stood back up, brushing off his clothes, before looking up at LJ's face. LJ could feel him staring him in the eye, though he could not see it. He could feel himself being invaded, his soul being tossed around inside him like a tennis ball on the court. "Stop it."
"I'm not doing anything."
"You know damn well what you're doing!" LJ yelled.
Masky looked away, turning his back on him. "Whatever. Let's go." He began to walk away, leaving LJ no other choice but to follow him.
"Do you even know where Trenderman lives?" LJ asked, shaking his head.
Don't take the lead if you don't know our destination, idiot.
"Of course I do. I've had many errands involving him."
LJ was taken aback; he wasn't expecting Masky to be of any help. At all.
"How far is it, then?" He asked, attempting to sound unimpressed.
"Two days travel by foot."
"Well, we better start running. I'd rather not be walking around with 'arrest me' written across my face."
And so they ran, unaware of the troubles that lay ahead.

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