Rips & Stitches

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  It was late by the time they were finally back in a secluded area. It was getting cold, and they had no way to keep warm.
  "We're gonna die out here," LJ whined as he continued to trudge along. "We're going to die before they even get the chance to kill us, which they've probably already done to the others."
  "Quit whining. You're a creepypasta, not a proxy. I should be the one whining," Masky replied, blandly.
  LJ hushed, following behind him. His hands were tucked inside of his pockets, and he could feel the cool metal against his finger tips. He began to run his fingers down the blade, out of sheer boredom. They were in the middle of nowhere, with nothing but trees and dirt and hills for miles and miles.
  "I can't sleep when I'm cold," LJ piped up, once again.
  Masky snapped his body around, causing LJ to bump into him. "I swear, if you don't shut up, I'm going to make you into a literal creepy pasta."
  LJ scratched the back of his neck, turning away from the boy. Ever since he'd seen him without his mask, he'd looked at him differently. He wasn't as mysterious anymore. But he was all the more interesting.
  "You're staring at me."
  "Eh?" LJ shook his head, snapping his head away from Masky. "Was not."
  "Was too."
  "Was not!"
  "Yes, you were! Stop looking at me differently, you asshole! I did what I had to do to stay protected, it's not like I wanted to show you who I really am!"
  LJ hushed, continuing to keep his head turned away from the small boy. He was looking at him differently, though he knew not why. Did he think of him weaker now? Or stronger?
  "I like you without your mask," he said quietly.
  Masky stopped, causing LJ to stop, as well. Masky was looking up at him, the same expressionless mask seemingly taunting him.
  Masky's hand slowly reached for the base of his mask, before he began to slowly pull it off. LJ was met with the same brown eyes as before, and he seemed to be in a trance. Why couldn't he look away?
  Masky was suddenly close to him; extremely close. He could feel his breath on his cheek. He swallowed hard as Masky began to rise on his tip toes.
  It was fast, much faster than he expected. His lips were like a butterfly's wings, barely there, brushing against his. But it took him by surprise. He stumbled back, before falling. What he didn't know, was they were standing on a slanted hill, and he began to roll. He felt a branch rip at his shirt, and a rock slice open his shoulder, before his back was slumped into a tree.
  Masky was running down after him, though unlike LJ, he managed to get down unscathed. "Are you okay?"
  "Yeah, I'm fine," he groaned, rubbing at the back of his head.
  "Let me see."
  "Let you see what?"
  "I can see the blood through your shirt. You're bleeding."
  LJ looked down, and sure enough there was a large gouge on his left shoulder. "I'm fine."
  He heard Masky exhale, slipping his mask back on before tearing off a thread of fabric from his sweater, and then pulling out a sewing needle from only God knows where.
  "I'll stitch it shut."
  They weren't worried about antibiotics, or anesthetics. LJ was a creepypasta, Masky knew he could handle it. LJ pulled off his shirt, watching as the blood continued to pour out.
  "I guess we should wait for the bleeding to slow," Masky replied softly.
  LJ used the sleeve of his shirt to tie around his wound, before looking up at Masky.
  "I'm sorry," Masky said. His voice was dull, his face hidden. "I just thought you had an attraction to me."
  "Eh?" LJ replied, rising his brow.
  Masky stood up, quickly, suddenly angry. "You made me believe you had an attractive towards me."
  LJ rose to his feet as well, looking down at the small boy.
  "You made me feel like a fucking moron."
  "You are a moron."
  "You're right, I am!" He snapped. "I'm a moron for ever being attracted to a clown like you!"
  LJ reached down and took the boys mask off. He was glaring, his eyed brimmed with tears of anger. "If you're going to offend me, let me see your face as you do so."
  "Fuck you, Laughing Jack."
  LJ turned his face away from Masky, no longer being able to look at him. "The funny thing is," LJ started. "You've taken everything I've said in the wrong way."
  Masky's face scrunched up in confusion, then realization. "I wasn't mocking you. I was just genuinely confused. You really are a moron, though," he chuckled, a hint of what had to have been sadness in his voice. "To think I wasn't attracted to you."
  There was a deafening silence between the two. They were killers; previously unable to feel any human emotion. And once they finally felt something they pushed it away until it boiled to the surface, burning them both in the process.
  "I think the bleeding has stopped."
  Masky looked down before nodding, threading the fabric through the eye of the sewing needle.
  "Ready?" Masky asked softly.  
  He untied the shirt, whipping off the sticky, half dried blood from his arm. He gently pressed the needle against the side of his cut, to soundlessly let him know to prepare himself. After a few seconds, he pushed in, hearing an instant hissing sound coming from the clown.
  He didn't say anything as he weaved the needle in and out of his flesh, four times. Once he was done, he carefully snapped the sewing needle off the thread before tying it. Needless to say, Masky had never stitched anybody up before, and he was fairly proud of his handy work.
   Neither of them said anything as they both rose again, brushing their butts off from the dirt. "We should be on our way, yeah?" LJ said, trudging up the slope.
  "Laughing Jack-"
  "Forget about it, Masky. Here, have it back." He tossed the boys mask, Masky catching it with a wide expression. LJ was showing more emotion than he's ever seen him before, and it made Masky feel something new, as well; regret.

I published the first chapter of my LJ x Jeff fic a few days ago, so if you're interested in reading it, I'd really appreciate it. It's on my profile! Thanks for reading.

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