He's Sick

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At eight o'clock Madam Pince threw me out of the library. She was somehow mad at me because I spent the whole evening in the restricted section, searching for a book. Professor Snape gave me the permission to search a book for my Defense Against The Dark Arts essay which was about how my enemy can defeat me with my worst fears. As I arrived at the grand staircase I heard someone come down the stairs, moaning all way. As I looked up I saw someone struggling with carrying another person.

"Lumos", I whispered. My wand immediately lightened up the whole stairs and revealed the face of Professor Snape to me.
He was indeed carrying someone. It was Draco Malfoy. Dracos arm was around the professors neck and the professor had a supporting hand on Dracos back.
I would probably have laughed about that scene if Draco didn't look so sick and if Snape didn't had this worried look on his face.
"Is someone else here?", the professor asked quickly.
I shaked my head. Draco moaned heavily. He didn't even see that I was there.
"Help me carry him!"

We carried Draco down the stairs. The only thing to hear were his moaning and me breathing heavily. A few times Draco stumbled upon his own feet but we managed to catch him up.
On the first floor Snape went in the direction of the entrance hall.
"But Professor, the hospital wing is over there", I said quickly.
"We are bringing Mr. Malfoy to my office."
"Sir? To your office?" I was very confused but Snape seemed to mean this seriously. Suddenly Draco threw up right on the floor missing Snape's feet only a few inches.
"Yes, to my office. Quick!"

In the dungeons it was always a bit colder than in the rest of the castle. Draco frowned immediately as we closed the door and his body began to shake heavily, his eyes stared at the floor but didn't see.
I was worried sick but Snape didn't react.
As we arrived in Snape's office he transfigurated his desk to a comfortable bed and I laid Draco in it.
"Make a fire and stay with him. I'll search for a potion", Snape said and left us.
I let appear some blankets and covered the shivering Draco with them.
Then I produced a cauldron on the side of the bed in case he'd throw up again.
Then I made the best fire I ever had and turned back to Draco. He did shiver a bit less and became calmer.
I sat down on the edge of the bed.
Draco turned his head around and seemed to notice me for the first time. His eyes opened wide and he looked like he wanted to say something but was not strong enough.
I looked down on him and found his hand uncovered. I took it in mine and put it back under the blanket so that it rested on his chest.
His eyes followed the movement of my hand but didn't stop there, they wandered up to search mine.
As our eyes met he gasped slightly.

"Are you alright Draco?"
He nodded but within a second his face got an unhealthy color. With a wave of my wand the cauldron flew to his mouth and he threw up again. I cleaned everything up as Snape swept back in his office. Draco was busy avoiding to look at me but instead staring ashamed at the wall.
"Drink this, Mr. Malfoy."
Draco didn't move. I sighed, took the bottle out of the Professors hands, forced Draco to open his mouth and poured all into it.
Snape did look a little perplexed but turned then to Draco.
"Thank you", he said to both of us.
Snape looked rather furious so I saved myself and went to look at the fire.
"What did you do?", Snape asked angrily.
"Sir, I-", stumbled Malfoy, "I had this object and I casted a spell on it but it attacked me."
Snape let an revolted noise out of his throat.
"Hundred times, Mr. Malfoy, have I offered you my help."
Suddenly he was reminded that I still stood behind him and he stopped.
"We will discuss this later. You will need a few days to recover from your illness. Miss (Y/L/N)!"
"Yes, sir?"
"It happens that I have a important meeting in London tomorrow. I will not be able of looking after Mr. Malfoy. Would you mind to take care of him? I'll speak to the headmaster to give you permission to skip classes tomorrow."

The next morning I found myself early alone with Draco in Snape's office, who had left me a note what to do today.
"How are you feeling, Draco?"
"Better." He smiled.
"Will you tell me what happened yesterday?", I asked curios.
His smile faded.
"I mean, where did you even come from?"
"I was in the Room of Requirement. You know that one?"
I nodded and sat down on his bed.
"Crabbe and Goyle were outside guarding. I'm glad they were bright enough to call Snape when they heard me crying."
"But Draco...", I gave him a worried look, "an object that defends itself. That must be really dark magic."
He looked down at his feet. "I hope so. It's from Borgin & Burkes."
I sighed. He placed a hand on my knee.
"I'm sorry. Sorry that I can't tell you more." He catched my eyes with his.
"I'm sorry that you didn't hear anything from me all summer long. I'm having just a really hard time."
I clasped his hand and smiled indulgently.
"It's alright. I'm going to search now for some breakfast."

"Thank you", said Draco when he had eaten everything I brought, "I haven't eaten since yesterday."
I barely heard him. I was still thinking about what he'd said before. Yes, he didn't write me a single word all summer long. This year, it was already november, I haven't spoken with him more than some "Hello's and Bye's".
A soft cough pulled me out of my toughts.
Draco looked at me with high interest.
"What were you thinking about?"
He scanned me with his bright grey eyes so that I forgot how to lie.
"About you. What you said earlier. Did you really think I expected you to write me letters during summer?", I blurted out.
For one second he stared at me shocked, then he yelled: "Of course! We had a date in Hogsmeade! We even kissed at the end of the year!"
For a few moments I was confused that he seemed to be so upset. Then I explained.
"Come on, you're Draco Malfoy. You go out with girls and kiss. But you going out further with someone, even starting a relationship. That sounds very unrealistic for Draco Malfoy."
Draco looked very distressed and grabbed my wrist.
"No! Not in your case. I like you. I really intended to write you. But it all turned out terribly otherwise. My father imprisoned, aunt Bellatrix moved in. You can't imagine how hard all that is."
I felt very sorry for Draco. I could easy refer to what was happening to his family.

Suddenly I noticed that he sat up on his bed.
"Lie down", I commanded immediately.
He smirked and shaked his head.
I grabbed his shoulders and tried to pull him down to the bed. He let himself fall but not without grabbing my shoulders too and pinning me down to his chest.
His smirk got even larger and he started to stroke my hair. My protest blew out immediately in satisfaction.
"I can't lie around the whole day while you have nowhere to lie down. But luckily this bed's big enough for the two of us."
He kissed my forehead softly and moved aside so that I could slip aside him.

"So you like me too?", he asked after several minutes of snuggling together on the bed. I nodded.
He sighed.
"What's wrong?"
"I wished I could be your boyfriend. But it's too dangerous. I have a dark secret."
He kissed my forehead again.
"Your fire is really good. It burns since yesterday but now it's getting a bit hot in here."
I looked him over and saw that he was wearing a long-armed pullover.
"Maybe I should search you some shorter clothes."

As I came back with a t-shirt and a pyjama pants I threw them over to Draco and he immediately changed, making me blush but not wanting to look away.
As he was changing his shirt I saw it. It was on his left inner arm.
I gasped loudly. Draco turned around with a smirk probably thinking I was looking at his half-naked body.
But his smirk faded when he realised that I was looking at his arm.
His eyes widened and his lips formed a silent "No". He let himself fall on a chair at the fireplace and buried his face in his hands.
I didn't know what to do. I wasn't afraid of the Dark Mark. My father had it too. But Draco, a deatheater?
Draco's body still half-naked began to shake and he started to cry.
I sat down on the arm of the chairs and comforeted Draco by hugging him.
Soon he calmed down and turned his face at me.
"Now you're afraid of me.."
"No Draco, I'm not. I'm used to deatheaters. But tell me, you don't really want to be one right?"
"At first I wanted. But then I realized it's just to punish my father. And I have a task but they hope that I'll fail. I'm on their side, my whole family is. But they're not on my side."
I hugged him again and started to pat his head.
"But I am. I'm on nobody's side but your side, Draco."
He didn't say anything more, laid his head on my shoulder and slept. That's how Professor Snape found us when he came back from London.

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