Chapter 5

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I woke up in the morning while remembering what happened yesterday. I can't wait until the Running Man episode we filmed yesterday airs on TV in 2 weeks. Joong ki brought me home after getting coffee at 10 pm. But I miraculously slept right away after lying on my bed for about 1 minute.

I prepared myself for the MV shooting. I looked at the clock. Aish I have to be there in an hour.

I rushed to the bathroom and washed myself. After choosing a simple white T-shirt and jeans for my outfit I quickly put it on.

Suddenly I tripped over my bag that was lying on the floor as I was about to grab my wallet. I nearly cursed. Ah what is this! Why am I having an unlucky day. And it's only 9am!

I closed the door of my apartment and ran towards the elevator. As soon as I was in front of my car I drove safely, wishing that there's no traffic today.

But soon as I arrived the highway, there it was. Traffic.


"How was filming RM yesterday?", my manager asked me through the phone.

"It was amazing! They were all really nice.", I answered as I found my make-up artist combing my hair. My MV just finished and now I'm preparing for my photoshoot.

"That's good. But I heard you came late today. What happened? The director was quite angry."

"I know. I'm sorry. I overslept. I promised him that I'm gonna treat the entire cast for lunch next time.", I explained.

"Ok, just be early next time. Also, I heard someone brought you home last night. Who is it?", he asked curiously.

I tilted my head, "How do you know? Omo are you-"

"Yah I was messing with you! I was actually just guessing. But based on your reaction, someone DID bring you home last night! Yah Chloe, who is it?! Are you secretely dating? You know the rules-"

"I'm not dating! How can I do that when I don't even have time to meet other people?", I interrupted him, "I have to hang up, they're calling me already.", I lied and hang up before he could say anything else.

I sighed. I looked at my surroundings. Photoshoots can be exciting, but not when you have to wait a seriously long time when the crew have to set the 'stage' and when you have to change every 30 minutes for the next theme. Especially when you turn up hungry and you aren't allowed to eat for the next 5 hours.

I heard my stomach growl, "Ah what should I do? I'm starving...", I said to myself.

And as if on cue I heard a scream from a bunch of women. "What was that?", I asked my make-up artist. She looked at the door. And there he was.

"Chlo! I brought something!", the man at the door said while excitingly showing a plastic with food in it.

"Joong ki! What are you doing here?", I said with happiness in my voice.

"I told you I'm gonna visit you today. And besides you told me about your photoshoot, so I figured out you might be hungry. I know how long and boring photoshoots can be.", he explained and smiled.

I heard someone whisper, "Omo how sweet!" It must be one of the staff who screamed a while ago after seeing Joong ki.

I smiled at Joong ki and took out the food, "I'm not allowed to eat though."

He winked at me and put his finger in front of his lips, "Shh, nobody has to know."

There were only other 3 people in the room and they smiled at us, showing that they understand.

My hair-stylist nodded at me, "It's ok, just don't let the photographer catch you.", she said.

I smiled at her and hugged her, "Thank you, Unnie! You're the best!"

Joong ki helped me with the food and gave some to the others.

"Aren't you eating?", I asked Joong ki as I took a bite from the noodles he bought.

"Aniyo, it's ok. I'm not that hungry. Besides I brought it for you.", he answered and sat on the couch.

I couldn't help but blush at the thought that he came just because he knew I might be hungry.

"But how do you know where my photoshoot's gonna be?", I sat beside him.

"My manager happens to be friends with your manager and so I asked him.", he thought for a while, "But I'm not the stalking-type!", he then said defensively as he realized how it must sound. "I remember how my manager was talking about your manager, so I figured that they might be close. So I asked him to ask your manger to tell where your photoshoot is."

I looked at him and showed my grin.

"Omo I really sound like a stalker.", he face-palmed himself and shook his head.

I laughed at him, "It's ok. Besides, I'm glad you're here. I've had a terrible day before you showed up."

"Why what happened?", concern in his voice.

I really felt like telling him all my problems that just upsets me. I could see that he really cared. But for whatever unknown reasons, I just said, "It's nothing. Just having a normal bad day, that's all." I just wanted to talk without ruining the mood. But is that not how friendship works, Chlo? To know and talk about each other's problems? I thought to myself.

He nodded, showing me that he understands. "So how are you? Are you doing something after this?"

"No, why?"

"Gwangsoo and I want to treat you. He invited us to go to his apartment. We'll have to buy food though, 'cause I know he's always got an empty fridge.", Joong ki answered.

"Treat me? For what?", I nearly finished my noodles. Gosh where did he buy these. It's delicious. Or maybe I'm just too hungry.

"For being the most wonderful and prettiest guest we ever had in RM.", he playfully said.

"What about Goo Hye Sun? She's quite pretty.", I teased him.

"Oh, you're right. You'll be second then.", he smirked.

I punched him lightly in the arm, "Yah!"

He made a fake hurt-face and held his arm. Soon I found myself laughing again.


It's an early update!!!!! Yaay!! Some Joong ki and Chlo time for this chapter!!

I really enjoy writing this story, so I'm glad a lot of you also like it.
Pls comment or vote I would very much appreciate it!!

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