H2O Delirious X Reader

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This isn't the story I was talking about in my Vanoss x reader.I have no ideas for a story for it yet so here is something I came up with on the spot.Hope you enjoy and if you want part two then say in the comments.Btw (Bf/N)=best friend name

Word count:1103

Your pov:

"(Y/N) you really need to find your soul mate."You (Bf/N) found hers and talked about the colors she saw."I don't really care if I never see colors."You always had this topic because she was so happy to see the beauty of the world when all you saw was black and white."Anyway whats is written on your wrist (Y/N)?""Even if I can't meet you I love you.""Wow.I don't think anyone would ever say that.""I know right.Thats why I gave up.""Wait but if he says he can never see you that means you will meet online.So why don't we try t talking with people online.""Whats the point?If we never meet then we won't see the colors.""But its still worth the try.""Fine but even if we do find him then I ain't telling him that he is my soul mate.""Fine.Meet at my place after school.""See ya then."You left her sense you two had different lessons.You looked around the room starting to wonder how it really looked.You have never seen colors and as a child you always wondered how they looked but as time passed you gave up and decided to just live and ignore how many people have already met their soul mates.Once it was break time you were supposed to meet up with (Bf/N) but on your way there you saw one of the most popular guys Evan.He had a youtube channel so he was pretty famous in school.He was with his gang and one guy caught your intrest.He was wearing a hockey mask and when he laughed he sounded crazy.He noticed you staring at him and it might have been your imagination but he was blushing under that mask.Your friend found you staring and pulled you outside."Hey does someone have a crush?""Your face started getting warmer and warmer and sense your friend can see colors she knew how it looks when someone is blushing and you had to concentrate the difference on the color of the skin to notice."I don't even know who he is so how could I have a crush on him!""Then why were you staring at him?""Well I heard loads of noise and turned around to see the most famous group in school and then I noticed how different he looked with that mask.""If your wondering who he is he is Jonathan and is actually in most of your classes.""Really?""Yeah.Anyway lets start get going so we can meet with your soul mate.""We don't know if we can find him and who would say that they love someone without seeing their face and knowing that person?""But what if they recognize that person by their voice?""So you are saying that I might have met my soul mate but never knew?""Yeah.Unless your soul mate says those words and you know that he is indeed your soul mate then you can see colors so even if you hear those words you still won't see any colors.""Well thats stupid.""I know."Once you arrived at (Bf/N) you asked for something to drink and went to get her computer.You got on omegle and just started talking with random people when you decided to write a topic.You wrote hockey and were surprised to hear a familiar voice but you couldn't bring yourself to remember who the voice sounded like."So you like hockey two?""Bitch hockey is my favorite!"You liked how his voice sounded and felt very attracted to it."What else do you like?""I horror games and teddy bears."You started to really like and him and shoed your friend away."Can we talk some other time?""Sure I will just need your phone number miss..""Just call me (Y/N).What can I call you?""You can call me Del.""Okay Del here is my number (phone number).""See you later (Y/N)""See you Del."Just then your best friend comes in the room."So how was it?""He didn't say the words but it felt so nice talking to him but I swear he sound familiar.""Who do you think he sound like?""Thats the thing I don't know.He just sounds familiar.""What did he tell yo to call him?""Del.""I have never heard anyone using that name in school so it's probably not his real name.

Jonathan pov:

"Do you really not care about your soul mate?"Your best friend Evan was talking to you."Ev can you stop bugging me about that?""I found mine and she is so lovely.""Fine what is her name?""Her name is (Bf/N)" (his soul mate is you bff)You were with Evan and the rest of the guys talking about soul mates when you felt someone staring at you.You turned around to see a girl with black hair and white eyes staring at you.Sense you hadn't met your soul mate the world was a black and white place so you tried imagining that girl and her hair color when you saw Evans soul mate pull her out side."Jon are you okay?"Evan than looked at where you were looking and saw a little bit of his soul mate and her friend."Thats (Y/N)."Then you suddenly looked at your wrist and saw the words that said 'Just call me (Y/N).'"Evan I found my soul mate.""Who is it?""It's (Y/N).""Why?Whats written on your wrist that you can tell it's her.""It says 'Just call me (Y/N).'"By then all the guys were listening to your conversation with Evan."Ev can you do me a favor?""Sure.What is it?""If (Y/N) goes online can you ask your girlfriend/soul mate to tell me how I can meet her?""She told me that today they were going to try and find her soul mate on omegle.""I need to speak with her so help me somehow.""Well I can talk with (Bf/N) and ask her what topics they will be under and you can meet her.""Thanks Ev."

(Time skip to when you have both said your goodbyes)

She is the girl for me but how can I tell her that I am her soul mate.What is even written on her wrist?You kept thinking what to tell her until you fell asleep.You dreamed about how she would look in colors.It was a nice dream until you were woken up by your alarm clock.You got ready for school and put your mask on to cover your different eye colors.You fought that maybe you could see (Y/N) and pretend like nothing ever happened.

So guys tell me if you want part 2 and if no one asks for it I ain't writing another part unless I am super bored!

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