H20 Delirious X Reader

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Sorry for not posting for a while but here is a part hope you enjoy!

Your pov:

Once I came back we continued playing.The bottle landed on me and Jon.Finally my chance to see whats under that mask."Looks like (Y/N) and Jonathan have to kiss."The guys were laughing for some odd reason but who cares I finally get t o see whats under that mas."Come on Jon take off that mask.""Do I need to?""How else are we going to kiss?""I can just lift it a bit so we can kiss.""Are you scared?""Why would I be scared?""Your shaking."You looked at him concerned.Maybe I should just leave him alone.There is no reason for him to take off his mask just because I want to see."Fine.Keep the mask on.""Thanks."He lifted the mask a little so you could only see his lips and then you two kissed.It was your best kiss so far and for some reason you felt whole.Rumors were that when you kiss your soul mate you feel whole but there is no way that Jon is my soul mate.Is there?"How about we work on the project now.""Sure."You got things out and so did the rest.You guys shared ideas wrote some down and tried to color it in but there is to much to color and not enough time."Can we continue tomorrow?""Why?Are you tired (Y/N).""A little bit.""Well maybe we should stop for tonight.It's already 3 in the mourning.""Where am I sleeping?""Well you are sharing a room with me.""Really?""Unless you want to share with someone else.""Nah I'm fine with you."Jon showed the guys to their rooms and then took you to his room.There was a bunk bed."What do you prefer?""What do you mean?""Bottom or top.""Can I go on top?""Sure."You were going to go up when you realized that you were wearing a skirt so if you went up the stairs Jon would see your underwear."I can turn around if you want.""Thanks."You were able to get up and told Jon he can turn around again."Hey Jon?""Yeah?""Do you sleep with a teddy bear.""How did you know?""When I came in to change I saw this bear sitting on your bed.""I only keep it because it's a memory of my dead grandma."You could noticed his change of tone so you changed the subject."How close are you to finding your soul mate?""I know who she is but i'm to scared to tell her.""Don't be.""It's easy for you to say.""Hey I heard that."You guys talked and talked until you fell asleep.

Jonathan pov:

She looked at the stairs of the bunk and then she turned around and looked at me.I noticed what her pj was and suggested that I turn around.Once we were both in bed we talked for a while.Soon she fell asleep.The room was quite and I fell asleep.Later I was woken up by a noise.It sounded like someone was crying.I got out of bed and saw (Y/N) crying.She must be having a nightmare.I went to her and hugged her.She didn't wake up so I laid down next to her and pulled her towards my chest.I was blushing but she seemed to have calmed down and I fell asleep.The second time I woke up was when I heard some laughs.I looked around and noticed the guys were taking pictures and were laughing.I tried to get to them but I made to much noise and (Y/N) woke up.

Your pov:

Once I fell asleep I had a nightmare.I was alone in a dark place.There was nothing there except spider and all my biggest fear.My father.I tried to run away but I couldn't . Then I noticed something was hugging me but there was nothing here.Soon the darkness dissaperd.There was light and other cute things and for some reason Jon was there two.There was lots of noise so I opened my eyes to see the guys laughing and Jon was in bed with me.My face got hotter and hotter."What are you doing?""You were crying in the middle of the night so I went to wake you up but you pulled me towards you and didn't let me go."I looked at him his mask was still on."Fine but don't do that again.""You jumped of the bed."I guess we should start working again.""I don't want to."You looked at Craig."Lets go to an amusement park.""Fine but after that we are going to work.""Whats up with you and work.""Unlike you guys i'm not popular so teachers give me detentions.""So what!""You know what I give up."You took your things put a coat on and ran out the door."(Y/N) wait come back"You could hear them shouting for you to come back but you continued to run and didn't care.Last night was fun but you didn't really want to play games with them.You were also pissed off from the horror movie and decided to stand up for yourself.

Jonathan pov:

She grabbed her things put a coat on and ran out.We shouted for her to come back but she didn't eve turn around but I could see tears."Jon i'm so sorry I didn't mean to get into an argument with (Y/N).""It's fine.""Wait does she know how to get home?""I don't think so.""We need to go find her."So me and the guys changed and started looking for her.

Sorry for not posting this yesterday but here it is.I'm fangirling cuz I orderd a I'm the real delirious shirt and it finally came.SO HAPPY!Hope you enjoyed that part and i'd like you to tell me if you want the end to be normla or do you want it a bit dirty?(Besacly do you want a bit of lemon in there?)

H20 Delirious X Reader soulmate (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now