H20 Delirious X Reader

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Sorry for not posting often but I want to know if you guys want me to write a soul mate version for the rest of the guys.(Mini,Moo,Vanoss)Tell me in the comments if you do.Word cound:879

Jonathan pov:

We got dressed and then I called Evan."Sup man?""It's bad.""What do you mean?""Craig and (Y/N) got in a argument and then she ran away.""Does she know how to get home?""No.Please help me find her.""Anything for you man.""Can you and (B/N) come as fast as possible?""Sure."

Time skip to when Evan and (B/N) come

"Okay so here is the plan.Me and Ev will look around the park.Craig and Tyler look around shops and Brock and (B/N) look around where you think (Y/N) will be.""Okay."No one argued with me for the groups so I decided that they would be fine."Lets go."We all left and went to the directions where we are meant to check."Jon don't worry.We will find her.""It's just that how can I tell her that I am her soul mate after what happened?""It wasn't your fault.Anyway what did you do to make her angry?""Well we watched a horror movie we played spin the bottle.""Anything else?""We did little work and in the mourning she woke up in my arms.""How did you sleep with her?""Well she was having a nightmare so I went to wake her up but she just pulled me towards her and didn't let me go.""You are lying.""Okay fine.I went up to her saw her crying and then I hugged her and stayed like that until I fell asleep.""Well she has loads of reasons to be mad but there has to be something that finished her.What did her and Craig argue about?""So I told her the lie I told you and the guys were also in the room so they did see us and took pictures but when she told us to start working Craig suggested we go to an amusement park but (Y/N) didn't agree at first but when she did she made it clear that we are doing work afterwards and then they started arguing why (Y/N) wanted to do work so badly.""What was her response?""Unlike you guys i'm not popular so teachers give me detentions.""Well once we find her we can make Craig apologizes to her.Wait Jonathan don't you have her phone number?""I do but she has it as Del.""Well sense she doesn't know it's you you can ask her to meet up with you somewhere close.""True but then she would know who I am.""Well it's time you tell her the truth.""Fine."I got my phone out and asked her to meet up with me in a close by park.She agreed.

Your pov:

I ran as fast as I could ignoring the guys shouting for me.Luckily they were still in their pj so they couldn't run out their house.But when I heard Jon call out for me I started crying.I felt so attached to him like he was my soul mate.Wait what if he is my soul mate.Soon I noticed that I didn't know where I was so I got my phone out and looked for the closest shop.Luckily it McDonald's.I had a little bit of money so I got something to eat and a vanilla milkshake.While I was eating (B/N) called me.I knew that she most likely heard what happened so I ignored her.Once I finished eating I looked out the building to see (B/N) and Brock.They must be looking for me.I quickly ran to the bathroom(Toilets) and waited for them to go away but sense I was in a different room I didn't know if they did.I waited for ten minutes and then I looked outside and they were gone.I went out and looked around to make sure they weren't around but I could see them in a different shop.I ran the opposite directions and saw a library.I went in there and took a random book so it looked like I was actually doing something.I would look around me to make sure I didn't see (B/N) or Brock.I got my phone and looked at how long it would take me to get back home.It was four hours if I walked.When I had decided to start going home I saw Brock.I got back in the library and started walking around.I could see them but they couldn't see me.Once they were far away from the door I ran as fast as I could to the direction to home.

Time skip 2 hours

I looked at my phone and I noticed that I have gotten half way.I continued to get messages from (B/N) asking me where I am.I started speed walking just in case they had send someone to walk towards my house.Then I got a message that surprised me.It was from Del.He was asking me if I could meet him by a certain location.I agreed not thinking to how far I needed to walk.I looked at the location on my phone and saw it was 2 hours walk.Great.I started walking back but I soon found myself running.

So this story is coming close to and end and I would like you to tell me if you would like a soul mate thing with someone else from Evan and the crew.If so tell me who you want.Hope you enjoyed.See ya

H20 Delirious X Reader soulmate (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now