Demolition Lovers (Mikey Way)

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Demolition Lovers

Hey! This is my new Mikey fanfic! I will do the sequel after this one c: so enjoy!
@my_chemical_heros_ is the main character. And Mikey is Mikey(duh)

Hi I'm Issie, obviously.
I'm 15
I go to Belleville High School
I just moved here from Mays Landing, which is in South Jersey
I was bullied at my old school for being an "emo" it'll probably never stop. I mean who's going to be friends with me?
I have long black hair, reddish eyes, I wear band teeshirts and skinny jeans, and I listen to music no one else likes.
I also play bass guitar.
Sometimes I wonder if I'm supposed to be here...
I guess I'll find out.


I walked through the new school gates. Well, new to me. I looked around my surroundings and see pure hoes and jocks. I keep my head down so I don't have to make eye contact with any of them. I found my way to the office and waited until the secretary finally noticed me. "Hi, um I'm a new student." I said leaning on one of my legs. She nodded her head. "Name?" "Isabella Scheel."I said having to use my full name. You see I don't like it when people use my full name, but since I'm in school, it's going to be the teachers and maybe some students are going to use it. She printed out what seems like my classes and handed it to me. "I'll show you your classes, Isabella." She said with a smile. I nodded my head and followed her.
She showed me all my classes. After thanking her, I went inside my first period class. I was met with a tall blonde man. He had piercing blues eyes and a lip ring. He had a couple of tattoos here and there but that's all. "Hi, I'm your first period teacher, Mr. Bryar, but call me Bob since you like Nirvana." He said while extending out his hand for me to shake. "I'm Isabella, but please call me Issie." I said with a smile and shook his hand. He nodded and I sat in the back of the back of the room. I looked down at my new drawing book. "Virgin book." I said with a small laugh. I began to draw a flower. When I was down, I was satisfied with the way it looked. The classroom began to be filled with jocks and harlots and some people like me. The once empty seats began to fill up. One jock decided to come and pay me a visit. "Hey new girl." He said. I looked up at him and just stared at his face. "Hi." I said bluntly. He just smirked and walked away. A girl came up to me. And this girl happens to be a hoe. "Hey new girl." She said. "Hi." I replied back. She bent down so her mouth were on my ear. "You should consider loosing weight and changing your style. It makes me very sick." She finished. I looked up at her again. "I'll consider that." I said and looked back down, trying to fight the tears that were threatening to spill. Just to think that I would get a break from all the name callings and possibly being beaten up. But no, it had to continue on and on. I thought school would probably be the one place where I won't get labeled and beaten. I looked up at Bob and paid attention to the class. Great.

The classes all repeated from the first period. Name called, taking things to be considered, and paying attention. It was finally lunch, and since I haven't made a single friend at all, I sat in the corner of the room. I grabbed an apple and plugged in my earphones and began eating and listening to the songs.

After into my 3rd song, I felt someone tapping my shoulder. I looked up and saw a black haired boy (let's pretend Mikey is in Parade era but younger.) with hazel eyes, he wore eyeliner, which made him even more attractive, and was awkward looking. "Um can I sit here?" He asked. I nodded my head with a small smile. "Like Nirvana huh?" He asked. I laughed nervously. "Yeah." I said with a smile. "I guess we'll get a long just fine." He said with a small smile. Just as he smiled, a group of 3 guys came by the boy. "Mikey! Who's this?" The tall boy with her black hair said, pointing at me. "Um this is.. What's your name?" Mikey said. "Isabella, but call me Issie." I said moving awkwardly. "Issie everyone!" He said. The three guys sat at the empty seats. "Issie, this is Gerard, my older brother, Frank, and Ray." He said introducing them to me. "Hi." I said nervously. "No need to be nervous Issie!" Frank said hugging me tightly. I awkwardly hugged him back. "Nice shirt Issie." Ray said with a smile. "Nice Fri Ray." I said smiling back. He dramaticallyo pet his Fro which made Frank and I laugh. "I guess we will get a long just fine." Gerard said with a smile. That's when a light brown haired girl came in. "Hey Gerard." She said kissing Gerard's cheek. "Hey." He said swinging one of his arms around the girl. "Issie, this is Denise, my girlfriend. Denise, Issie, a new friend." He introduced. We both shook hands and began talking. Turns out we have a lot in common. "What classes do you have Issie?" Mikey asked. "Um, here's my schedule." I said placing the card in the middle of the table. "Oh yay! We all have the same classes!" Frank said clapping his hands. Finally! Friends! With the same classes! "Oh cool." I said with a smile. The bell went off and we all went to the classroom. This time I won't be entering by myself.

The classes went by quickly and before I knew it, the bell rang. I jumped out of my seat and made my way to where my locker was at. Unfortunately for me, my locker is in the same hall as the jocks and hoes. I threw my books in and closed the door quickly and speed walked to the front gates. Before I could even reach to the gates, I tripped over something. "Shit I said picking up my books. "Watch it emo!" One girl said. I ignored them and walked back to hell hole called home. Or something like that at least.

I walked in and was greeted with the smell of alcohol. 'Mom's home.' I thought to myself. I closed the door quietly and ran quietly to my room. I closed the door, again quietly and locked it. I looked at my room. There was literally stuff everywhere since I have to share it with my younger sister. I threw my bag on my bed and took out my homework and began working on it.

~Moments Later~

I was done with homework, I placed them in my folder and put my bag away in my closet. I laid on my bed for a moment before getting up to go to my restroom. I quickly took a shower and changed into a pair of sweats and a random muscle shirt. Once I was done changing, I examined my body on the mirror. "Fat." I said pulling on my stomach. "Ugly." I said looking at my face. "Fuck up." I said examining my wrists that were filled with old scars and some recent ones. I sighed and left the restroom and went to my bed. I plugged in my earphones and selected a playlist and fell asleep to the sound of Mark Hoppus's voice.

Whoop whoop. A new book c: stay tune for more updates.

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