Twenty (part 3)

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(5 months later)

"Shit." Magnus growled wiping his nose after sneezing.
He opened his eyes to the entire room full of flowers.

"DAMMIT! " He grumbled, making them dissappear.

"Whats wrong baby?" Alec asks entering the bedroom with two piping hot mugs of tea.

"I think im getting a cold." Magnus sniffles taking the cup from Alec, gripping the cup in his hands.

"Poor baby" Alec frowns placing a kiss on Magnus' for head.

"When warlocks get colds, its a bad thing, when we sneeze, anything can happen, and we cannot control it, sucks. " Magnus frowns blowing into his tea.

"You must have caught it when we were stuck in the rain taking Kennedy to the park yesterday. "Alec says sipping his tea.

Magnus rubs his bump and laughs remembering it, it was a horrible experience.


"I dont know, it looks like its going to rain."Magnus says, starimg up at the dark, ominous sky.

Alec strolled Kennedy along in her stroller as they talked.

"Come on Mags whens the last time you stepped outside? Lets have a fun family play date!" Alec explains.

"I dont know, Im not really fond of outside New York, it smells, and it crowded and noisy," Magnus frowns.

He shivered a little, it was a cool and windy May day.

Magnus felt a drop of rain his his hand.

"Alexander...." he says,

"Yeah baby?"

"I think we should go back."

"Come on baby, just one day."


It was than it started pouring down hard, without warning and Magnus screams.

"Dammit! "

"Run!" Alec gasps dashing down the street with Kennedy.

"WAIT UP!" Magnus cries,

A giant crack of thunder, so loud it sounded like a cannon filled the air.

He could hear Kennedy squealing in terror.

Magnus and Alec hurry into a nearby restaurant panting.

They watch as pedestrians hurry frantically through the streets, covering themselves with umbrellas or newspapers.

They ran back and forth into different stores.

It was really coming down out there.

Magnus and Alec were both drenched from head to toe, dripping over the floors.

Magnus looked to see if anyone was watching before magicking up some fresh warm clothes for himself, Alec and Kennedy.

Kennedy was still sobbing and Alec picked her up, hushing her.

"Its okay honey, its just a storm shh" He cooed.

"Poor baby she was startled. " Magnus frowns kissing Kennedys cheek.

Kennedy whimpered in response.

Magnus walked the stroller into the coffee shop.

"Perhaps we should get some lunch? " Magnus smiled.

Alec nods and walks in with him.

They head to a booth and sit down.

Magnus stays on the farther side, Alec across from him with Kennedy.

Magnus wore extremely baggy clothes in public so that no mundanes would see his baby bump.

A mundane women came to their table with menus.

"Here you are. Would you like to hear the specials?" She asked cheerfully.

"No thanks. " Alec smiled.

"Whos this cutie? Is she yours?"

"Thank you! This is Kennedy our daughter. Id rather not go into further details thanks." Magnus smiled.

The lady shrugged "of course. "She smiled and left.
Magnus ended up ordering a salad and water while Alec orded a club sandwich and a chocolate milkshake.

Kennedy was currently eating nuggets and fries with a pear juice.
They originally ordered apple, but Magnus changed it w so th magic since thats what she wanted.

They ate in silence, watching the rain slowly began to stop outside.

Magnus smiled as he finished.

"That was delicious. I think I may have seconds."


Heyy sorry it sucked! I just had to update because its been awhile! :)

Hope you liked!
Until next time. ......

War of Hearts (A Malec Mpreg)  ||ON HOLD||Where stories live. Discover now