2 weeks later
"Im so fat!" Magnus sobs gazing at himself in the mirror.
His bump was huge since well, he was carrying 2 babies instead of one.
"Magnus! Why would you say such an awful thing?!"Alec gasps from the bathroom.
He steps out to find Magnus gazing at himself in the mirror on the wall across from their bed.
"I cant go to Clarys birthday! If I leave the house, people will see!" Magnus sniffles.
"If they dare say anything, ill kill them." Alec says helping Magnus into his sweater.
He noticed Magnus frown,
"Magnus baby? What's the matter? ""I...I cant even wear party clothes! Im fat!" He bawls.
"No! Magnus you are not fat! You are carrying our 2 beautiful babies, you are gorgeous, and I love you okay?" Alec says pulling Magnus in.
They kiss for a long minute before someone interrupts.
"Mummy! Daddy! Wook what I made for Cwary with gwue and gwitter!" Kennedy squealed cheerfully running into the room with teeny feet.
She was holding what looked like a card covered in glitter.
"Its beautiful darling and im sure she will love it! " Magnus cries picking her up and kissing her repeatedly.
Kennedy squealed with laughter.
"Mummy! Stop it! You are tickwing mwe!" She cried.
"Never!" Magnus cries and bites her hand, very gently.
"DADDY!" Kennedy squealed with excitement.
Alec took her from Magnus and said "is mommy teasing my sweet little pumpkin? "
Kennedy nods.
"Mommy! That is mean!" Alec gasps at Magnus.
Magnus grins at the two, "oopsie!"
"Mummy?" Kennedy asks.
"Yes biscuit? "
"When is the bwabies gonna be here?" She asks placing her tiny hand on Magnus' bump.
"Oh not for another 4 months darling," Magnus smiled.
"Thats a lwong time,!" She frowned
"I know baby but they have to fully grow and develop inside me before coming into the world with us." Magnus smiled.
"Oh, otay." She says.
"Crap! Its 3:30 the party starts at 4, we should get going! " Alec gasps looking at his watch.
"Than, lets go." Magnus smiled.
"Yes baby?"
"They're looking at me." Magnus says.
"Who is?"
"Those guys over there." Magnus says pointing to 2 men about 20ish, one with ginger hair and freckles, dressed in a sweater and jeans, the other with brown hair and brown eyes wearing shorts and no shirt.
"I must be baked man... im seeing a man with a baby bump." Ginger said, he was obviously doing drugs.
"Nah man I see It too, must be a freak of nature. " Brunette cringed.
Magnus' nostrils flared in anger and he could see Alec getting ready to attack.
"Shut up!" Magnus growls walking closer to them.
"HOLY SHIT HE IS A FREAK OF NATURE!" Ginger screams backing away.
"Watch your mouth, I have a 3 year old daughter in that stroller as you can see, so id leave if I were you. " Magnus smiled deviously.
"Dude..your eyes.."
"I KNOW!" He screams in anger, throwing a ball of blue magic at the wall beside them.
It tore a hole right through it.
Magnus gasps, he wasn't supposed to let mundanes know that he was immortal or even had magic.
It was too late now, because he pulled ginger and brunette up with his magic, chocking them.
"D..DUDE!" Ginger gagged.
They both nod in bewilderment.
Magnus threw them onto the ground.
"Good. NOW SCRAM!"
They both scamper to their feet and run away screaming.
"Magnus..." Alec coos placing a hand on his shoulder.
Magnus turned to face Alec, his eyes were golden like a cats, with tears in them.
"DONT ASK ME TO COME OUT HERE AGAIN ALEXANDER! " he sobs and pulls away.
"Magnus! " Alec cries after him.
But it was too late Magnus was running away from him, and the outside world.
Oh shit...Malec fight?
Hope you enjoyed!
Until next time......

War of Hearts (A Malec Mpreg) ||ON HOLD||
Fanfiction"Those are pregnancy tests, Magnus you can't be pregnant your a guy." Alec gasps. Magnus felt as if he would faint. "I know that..." he chirped. "Oh..oh my god Maggie, those are all positive!" Alec gasps again in bewilderment. "I..I know..."Magnu...